Es comparable a cuando el Señor envia a Jeremias a casa del alfarero en el libro del profeta Jeremias capitulo 18. Alli Jeremias ve cuando el alfarero trabaja el barro dandole forma y al encontrar alguna falla lo vuelve hacer hasta que tome la forma deseada y el Señor le dice a Jeremias que nosotros somos barro en sus manos y poco a poco nos va moldeando en su taller dando la forma que él desea hasta convertirnos en vasos y vasijas de honra para él depositar su gloria.
El barro que utiliza un alfarero se llama arcilla la cual es moldeable y soporta altas temperaturas sin estropearse, en el taller el alfarero selecciona y limpia la arcilla a tratar, la amasa, le da forma y finalmente la hace pasar por un horno de alta temperatura para sellar la obra de sus manos; así Dios hace con sus hijos son seleccionados, amasados por procesos duros, los cuales Dios usa para darnos formas y finalmente pasamos por el fuego llamado "prueba" para hacer templados y luego salir listos para ser excibidos como hermosas vasijas.
It is comparable to when the Lord sends Jeremiah to the potter's house in the book of the prophet Jeremiah chapter 18. There Jeremias sees when the potter works the clay giving it shape and when he finds a fault he does it again until it takes the desired shape and the Lord He tells Jeremias that we are clay in his hands and little by little he molds us in his workshop, giving us the shape he wants until we become vessels of honor for him to place his glory on.
The clay that a potter uses is called clay, which is moldable and withstands high temperatures without spoiling. In the workshop, the potter selects and cleans the clay to be treated, kneads it, shapes it, and finally puts it through a high-temperature oven. to seal the work of his hands; This is how God does with his children. They are selected, kneaded by hard processes, which God uses to give us shapes and finally we go through the fire called "test" to make tempers and then come out ready to be exhibited as beautiful vessels.
Hey @yuli07 what a calm and soothing voice you have!
it is a nice song that you have chosen too.
thanks for bringing this beautiful song!
un abrazo!