Unwritten Pages👬Guiding Children on Their Journey of Discovery


When a human being is born, he starts learning because when a human being is in his mother's womb and when he comes into this world, he knows nothing, but he is a blank plate, a blank sheet of paper on which nothing is written. When we, humans, parents, train our children, we write a lot on the blank sheet of their brain and teach them. Then when the child is in his mother's lap, he learns from his mother, he learns from his father, he learns from the environment around him, he learns from his brothers and from the people living in the house. First of all, he sees that I have come into this world. What is this world? He recognizes that this is my mother. He recognizes his father. He recognizes his family. In this way, he goes through the process of learning. But this learning process continues from the mother's lap and continues to grow. Only those who learn and go through the learning process are successful in this world. We, as fathers and parents, should train our children properly so that they become the best members of society. As a teacher, I also have a responsibility to teach and train children properly. My article today is in this regard.


As a teacher, it is my responsibility to properly train children in school, to teach them to distinguish between good and bad because they are going through the learning process because in practical life they have not faced the hardships and sufferings that I am going through as a teacher or as an adult because children have to learn from the teacher, they have to learn from the role of the teacher. Whatever the teacher teaches them, whatever he tells them about, they learn with great enthusiasm about it and recognize the problems that they may face in the coming times. As a teacher, every teacher has the responsibility to tell children about every difficult moment, how they have to handle and face difficult times in life and how bravely they have to come out of difficulties and create ease for themselves. Not only to create ease for themselves, but as a citizen, as a human being, they have to create ease for everyone who lives around them or who needs it. If it happens, we have to create convenience for people, not problems. Today my topic was water because we need water. I have seen and the whole world is seeing this. In the coming times, there will be a shortage of clean water. And this shortage is because we waste water every day without thinking. So I taught the children practically and through activities how we have to conserve water. How water is a symbol of our life. Without water, this life cannot exist. Be it trees, animals, or humans, everything needs water. So we talked about the need for water and the importance of water. And I am very happy that the children did these activities with great attention and then reiterated that they will go home and highlight the importance of water in society and conserve water. Water will not be wasted.


Not every child who comes to school is intelligent, his mind is immature, he is young and as he grows up, he is learning a lot from the environment around him. But the first place to learn is the first school, which is the mother's lap. So as a father, we should teach our children good character and good morals. First of all, we should teach them our language, teach them how to walk, teach them how to speak, teach them eating habits and how to behave with others. Then we should tell the children at home what problems they may face in the future. And then as a father and a responsible person in the family, it is my responsibility to pay attention to the education of the children along with their good upbringing because we are seeing that many parents do not pay attention to the education of their children and they do not send their children to school because education is very important and in this regard, we have arranged an admission desk in the school. The admission process in our school It has started and I opened the desk as the admissions in-charge because we have to admit many children to school and train them, we have to focus on their education so that they can become the best citizens of the country and serve their homeland, their region and the people around them because education is the weapon that every nation can use to progress.


Today, after the assembly in the school, we also taught the children how to make our earth beautiful, how to make our environment good, because we see that there is a lot of dirt and garbage lying on the ground, pollution is spreading, so how can we eliminate this pollution? First of all, we have to clean the environment around us where we live, then we do not waste anything by burning it, because we burn the whole cricket in it. We should use the entire kitkat in some way so that we can also benefit from it, just as we can make used items usable again. We are also thinking about this because when we burn something, burn garbage, its smoke will spread in the air and that polluted smoke will spoil our environment. People will suffer from various diseases, so we should not burn garbage, but rather use it in such a way that we can make new items from it, reuse it. If we could, we also taught this to the children and in the coming days we will also work on this project. So the purpose of my article today is that we have to train our children because when a child is born in this world, he is like a blank slate and whatever the parents write on this slate, the child learns the same and acts on it in his practical life. So we should teach the child about good character, good ethics and all those things that are necessary to make his life successful. So I hope you must have liked my article today and you must have liked it. Thank you very much to all of you.
