The Vibrant Arrival of Spring 🌻Mustard Flowers Bloom 🌻The Beauty of Spring🌼 A Season of Life and Color
Mustard flowers are blooming and this is the arrival of spring. When mustard flowers bloom in the fields and yellow flowers are seen scattered everywhere, then this sky tells us that spring is coming and then when the arrival of spring begins, the trees that have withered from autumn and the flowers that have withered from autumn start coming back to life again and butterflies and birds are singing in the sky that autumn is gone and spring has come and all the birds are sending each other messages of happiness and love. The fragrance of these blue and yellow flowers spreads in the sky and then the bees return to these flowers and smell them, take their juice and then make honey. Then this sweet honey made by bees is eaten, drunk and used by every human being. Autumn makes the trees wither and the leaves fall on the ground but spring brings these leaves back to life.
When autumn comes to the garden, all the flowers in the garden wither. It seems as if the flowers here never returned to life. But spring also has an ego. After autumn, it must come a long way outside. And then spring brings the flowers back like life. This does not come from life to flowers. It comes to every beautiful thing in nature that has suffered great suffering because of autumn. Because autumn sheds the plants, withers the leaves of the plants, makes the plants completely lonely, and a separation that is created in the plants, which stops the fragrance of its flowers. All this happens because of autumn. Autumn does not last forever. Autumn will defeat autumn one day by becoming spring. So we have to wait for spring in any case, we have to wait every moment. Today, when I woke up in the morning, I prayed in the morning and asked Allah Almighty this prayer: May Allah give us spring too, may Allah make our life spring too, may Allah make the life of every human being a spring. May Allah make it spring or may Allah save us from autumn or may Allah save us from the hardships of autumn, so what should we always pray for spring? Spring is always good, spring always gives peace to a person's heart. The flowers that bloom in spring give us fragrance and then the butterflies dance so beautifully on these flowers, making stones so beautifully that such an atmosphere is created that everyone is going to the flowers and gardens in the spring season, enjoying the fragrances of flowers of different colors. The color of the fragrance, the color of the flowers looks as if there is only spring on the earth and autumn never passes here. May Allah never pass autumn in our homes and our gardens, may there always be spring and every face is open in spring.
Today, when I saw the mustard flowers blooming, when the sun's rays were falling on them, it looked very beautiful. I took out my mobile phone and took a selfie. These mustard flowers are yellow and yellow spring is spreading on this land. Whenever mustard flowers bloom on the land, it is the arrival of spring. I saw that some butterflies were flying and dancing on these spring flowers. I found this scene very beautiful. You can also see in the picture how beautiful the mustard flowers are looking. It looks as if a yellow sheet has been draped over the land. And then when the sun's rays are falling on these beautiful yellow flowers in the morning, the dew drops are shining. It looks as if they have worn a silver dress. It looks as if the mustard flowers have worn silver ornaments. I liked this beautiful scene very much and I am sharing these beautiful flowers with you in today's article.
We should always love spring. Autumn also comes in life. Autumn also comes on flowers. Autumn will also come in gardens. Trees will wither in autumn. But we should not despair. We should never be disappointed. We should never think that I will never be successful in life or that happiness will never come in my life. Because we should always wait for spring after autumn. Just as light dispels darkness, in the same way, we should never be sad in darkness, but always keep the lamp of light burning. And just as morning comes after night, sunrise comes. After sunset, sunrise comes. In the same way, we should always wait for happiness, in spring, and in every season, and we should also wait for our success. We will definitely succeed in spring and defeat autumn.
The purpose of my article today is to highlight the fragrance of mustard flowers and their importance, then to highlight the importance of flowers, to tell about the importance of spring, and then to attract people and run a campaign that we should not despair at any moment. Despair is a sin and despair surrounds a person in very complex problems. So, I have learned from this topic that we have to wait for spring and never be afraid of autumn. If we have been defeated once and then because of this defeat we became hopeless and we abandoned our mission, then no one can take us to success. We have to succeed only when we will not be disappointed, when we will not accept ourselves as a small defeat, but we have to rise again after every defeat and then bloom like mustard flowers like spring and illuminate this whole world with our fragrance because this world has been created for us by Allah, this everything on earth has been created by Allah for man. Allah has made man noble. God has created creations and this beauty of mustard, this beautiful mustard flower, this beautiful color, this sky, this earth, all of them are subject to man and Allah has said in the Holy Quran that O man, conquer them and conquer the secrets hidden in them so that you may succeed. May Allah grant us success and show us spring and let us shine like spring. Let us spread moonlight like the bright moon. This is our success and we will succeed only when we do not accept defeat, when we do not despair in failures, but rather continue the journey of success. Thank you all very much for reading my article today.
Nice Post Sir!
The only one who loses is the one who loses courage, not reaching the destination is not called defeat, but sitting down tired, being disappointed is called defeat. The real victory is continuous struggle. We should keep one thing in our mind that the fruit of hard work is never wasted. @yousafharoonkhan