My young independent self.
Being independent isn't for the weak and faint-hearted, growing up we look forward to that time in our lives when we get to be free like a bird but the truth is we don't get that free-flying in the air like a bird cause being independent comes with a lot of responsibilities.
Being independent means we are old enough to take care of ourselves even when we don't feel that old and you know what accompanies it "decision making" without the influence of others when you are independent it means you have things under control sometimes you might not though, I know at some point being independent can be scary but then it is something we can't avoid, no matter how we run from it we'd always come to a point when we'll have the urge to leave our comfort zone and start a life.
I'm not gonna say I felt it early cause I was already eighteen then and that is the age you become an adult right?, it all started when I got into the University I used to be a mummy's pet to the point my mum thought I couldn't go to the university her reasons being "How do I cope" with her not being around. I don't read minds so I didn't get to know my mother’s thoughts, when my admission letter came I was so happy, if you see the smile on my face it was kind of contagious, the first question my mum asked was "Can you cope" I confusedly replied "yes".
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On getting to the faithful day, I packed my bags and carried everything I needed then my mum escorted me to the park, so it was time for her to go back to the house, then she hugged me tight what I didn't understand was if the hug had something in it, cause in the process of hugging I started crying then she said " you're now the parent of yourself", thought I heard wrong when she said "now you have to take care of yourself" When I finally got to school ahh nobody told me being independent comes with a lot of responsibilities unlike home when my mom would wake us up in the morning.
I understood better when she said, "You become the parent of your life". I would wake up very early to do the house chores without anybody telling me, I got to decide what I prepare for breakfast, and what I'd eat the whole day without calling my mum, as empowering as it was at the beginning but as time goes on it became hard cause I had to restock the kitchen with foodstuff whenever I was out.
The worst part that got to me the most was the finance management, nobody told me I get to be accountable for my finances and to keep track of everything I spent money on, in the process I got to understand the terms " want and need" it was the hardest choices I had to make but the good part was I always go for the most pressing need.
Later on, I realized the money wasn't coming as frequently as it used to when I first started and I wouldn't want to fully depend on my mom and aunt, deep down they felt it was their responsibility to care for me till I graduated but I didn't feel that way so I had to make extra cash to relieve them of little funds besides I'm not the only child they have so I started making other students' hair to generate more funds for my upkeep.
That was the first time I felt the word independent and it taught me how to be strong, it showed I could depend on myself to make certain decisions, and finally, I got to sleep alone without my mum or siblings I think that's a part of being independent hehe!!!.
thanks for reading🌹
Posted Using InLeo Alpha
I guess a lot of us in Nigeria explored independency from our university days or when we decide to leave home to cater for ourselves.
Yeah, you're very correct!!
Thanks for stopping by
Indeed independency isn't for the faint hearted. You really got to figure out every thing yourself
Yeah even without fully being prepared.