Intelligence at its peak.


The moment I saw this topic, I recalled an argument I witnessed in a public vehicle, I wasn't the one arguing before you think otherwise hehe!!! well, it was a friendly argument that wasn't gonna lead to a fight, firstly I don't engage people in conversations when I'm taking a public transit bus but then this particular one gripped my attention, I didn't know when I started talking.

So there was this lady who said she has been praying and fasting for her unborn children to be very intelligent, then someone else inside replied to her "Prayer doesn't make your children intelligent" It depends on you as a parent and what you are feeding your child with in terms of knowledge. Cause it is said charity begins at home, which also includes the knowledge aspect of it as well, this lady in question refused to listen. They've started raising their voices in the vehicles making it inconvenient, I was on my own when one tapped me and said: "sister won't you say something about this".

My words: it isn't bad praying for your unborn kids to be intelligent cause even the scripture says we should pray without ceasing, but then prayer isn't the only thing that will make your child intelligent, you have to put in the work. Prayer isn't gonna come to your child and open up the brain and then insert books in it, nope that is never possible, a child's intelligence solely depends on the upbringing of the child including the environment, and then the school, I didn't say much to the lady cause I was very close to my bus stop before I pass my bus stop.

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I have come across intelligent children before on different occasions, in my childhood days I never went to church with writing materials, even if I did I didn't make use of them to write rather I was drawing things or just holding them for fancy, you would see us jumping, dancing, and reciting Scriptures, but these days it isn't that anymore in my current church, we do have children department which is a few miles away from the main church auditorium so one Sunday I didn't know what happen that all the children were inside the main auditorium, so where I have seated a child came and sat close to me, when it was time for the word, this little girl brought out her writing materials from her bag, the whole teaching started and this girl was jotting down every point made by the preacher.

At some point I thought she was gonna tap me and be like "Aunty please can you spell this for me" Nope she didn't, I, on the other hand, was taking a peep at her note to see if she was writing everything correctly, to my greatest surprise she was, so to fight my curiosity I asked her to hand over her note to me that I've missed out on something I needed to correct, I ensured to make use of the opportunity by going through the whole note, the words that sounded big were spelled correctly, I was so amazed after the close of service, I engaged her in a conversation and asked about her interest and hobbies In the process of explaining I envisioned my unborn kids in her, the manner and way she expresses herself.

Her level of understanding was what struck me the most, she thinks out of the box, at that moment I felt like I was communicating with an adult, I asked how old she was then she replied seven, I wanted to scream but I held myself, molded my lips like I was forcing myself not to alter the next words glad I didn't cause people would have gathered. I was now forced to reminisce back to my abilities when I was seven, let me not say it.

Children these days are very intelligent well I don't know if they are smarter compared to the children some decades ago. They might be due to a better education system, I find kids that are intelligent very attractive, and once I notice a child is brilliant I always ensure to create a connection with that child, maybe become friends or a godmother.

Thanks for reading🌹

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Smart kids exit jor, that was an interesting thing she was doing taking notes during sermon. Good enough her parents encouraged her to do so because some kids her age don't bother about all that but make noise during service which can be so bad and that can in turn affect their output in school too.

Prayer is good but it needs a correspondent work. I enjoyed reading from you dear friend


I agree with you on this, prayer is good but it needs correspondence work amazing, you've said it all.


I love your reply to that lady, it is balanced. She ought to pray for her unborn child, prayer works!. Then, raising up a kid in the right enviroment, feeding the kid with the appropriate knowledge. Engaging kid in conversations and activities that would help think better, exposure of the kid also matters.

The kids born these days are more smarter and intelligent than kids of 2 decades ago. I have seen few toddlers do some amazing and shocking things.


I thought the same thing at first but then some kids two decades ago were known to be very brilliant as well so I was kinda left in the middle of thinking.

Thanks for your nice comment.


I really love intelligent kids. But on the topic, I believe that the intelligence of a child depends solely on what that child was exposed to and how the child was raised.


Yeah, cause the upbringing is what really matters the most!!!

Thanks for stopping by
