Childhood troubles!!

Growing up I used to be this calm girl child, who didn't talk much, someone who liked staying in her comfort zone because it was way safer for her "safe from talking to people" I only talk to people I'm comfortable with. And you know who those set of people were "My family".

So I didn't get into trouble that much "You can call me a good girl" but then I got to a particular stage when I had this best friend I was so obsessed with, yeah you heard right!!! She was the new girl in school then, the day she resumed school I didn't notice her at first but as time went by, I found myself having different conversations with her, I started feeling safe around her or you could say "she became my safe space".

I was so comfortable around her that people started noticing our friendship " I didn't call it that at first" so when people called us best friends, I would get pissed and immediately reply to the person "We are just classmates" Yeah!! I was just being shy because I had never had a friend talk more of having a best friend.

Fast forward to when the troubles started: There was this faithful day "shouldn't call it faithful" my friend didn't come to school and I was worried, after the close of school, I decided to visit her, so my other classmate who knew where she lived escorted me to the place. On getting to the house my classmate left me there and went home, so I was the only that decided to stay back and spend quality time with my friend.

After staying for a while, my friend's mum came and told me it was getting late and that I should start heading home, I obeyed and went straight to the house. When I got to the house I didn't see my mum in the house, my big sister called out to me and asked where I was coming from "I told her the whole story" The next thing she said was "Wait till mummy comes then explain to her".

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At that moment I became scared but then I decided to keep my cool and maintain my steeze and composure. Unfortunately, my mum came back to the house earlier than I expected "Deep down I thought she was gonna look for me for some hours". When I saw her I ran to her, to pretend as if nothing happened " I wish I had known" If you see the slap that landed on my cheek, I couldn't cry immediately "felt like my voice seized" For some minutes.

Then she asked where I was "I couldn't talk" when my big sister explained the whole thing that happened to her and she gazed at me with these scary eyes I hadn't seen before, with her right hand pointing at me, I knew she said a lot of things but the only ones I heard was "if you like try it again, did your friend visit when you fell sick?, you'll see what I'd do to you". After the whole drama, I majestically walked into my room, and that was when I felt severe pain in my cheek " I screamed and started crying".

Did I learn my lessons? Well, let's just say partially, the following day my friend came to school, and I was the happiest in school that day, we spent our lunchtime together but then it wasn't enough, so after school, I followed her to her house again, and stayed for quite some hours, gisting and playing.

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Before I could realize myself it was already dark, so I ran home like someone was after my life. When I got to the house, I saw my mum with a cane standing by the entrance to the house, at that moment I couldn't move again, my legs got stuck to the ground. The next words my mum said were "Come I won't flog you" Holding a cane, please what are canes used for? I refused to move closer to her, till she decided to throw the cane away and called out to me again.

After a while of standing, I noticed "Today was the day they've been warning me about" so I decided to accept my fate and moved closer to where She was standing when she grabbed me and dragged me into the house "The rest was history". When I went to school the next day, I saw my friend and pretended like I didn't know her "Don't laugh'' because what I experienced the previous night took all my memories away leaving me with a vacancy to make fresh ones.

I stopped following my friend to her house and went straight to my parent's house every time the school closed, I'm grateful to my mum for handling me the way she did, though at some point I felt like it wasn't necessary when she took it seriously.

Thanks for reading🌹

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Your mom is right,how can you be visiting who is not visiting you
