Bring back the act of fairness!!!!
Growing up there was a particular statement I kept hearing from people "Life isn't fair" but that does not mean we shouldn't treat people fairly, When something terrible happened to someone you would hear that statement, most humans make life unbearable for others due to favoritism, and the world wasn't built on that.
Before my youth service, my friend and I went to meet her uncle who works in a federal government company, and told him we were interested in serving in the company he assured us we'd be posted there, and he asked us to submit some of our documents to him so he could help us out with it. When my posting letter came I checked and I wasn't posted there but my friend was, now at first I didn't feel bad about it because I wasn't related to him so I wasn't expecting more deep down I was tho but later when my friend told me he helped all the people from his town of origin then I was pissed, I felt bad cause he assured me he was gonna help so he didn't help me because I wasn't from his town.
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People intend to help those they are related to by blood someone they have a connection with of which they can benefit, or even someone who knows another person with an upper hand that is "influence".
In some top government organizations today you have to know somebody who has a strong influence if not you'd be left on the road hoping to get into the organization while they already have people in mind to give the positions to.
Imagine you've been dreaming of having a job in a place that seems impossible to others, the next question you'll hear if you tell somebody about it "Do you know anyone working there" This question looks funny right but in my nation it isn't cause it's the reality of things, you have to know someone so your employment would be guaranteed, this connection or should I say people with power or influence have spoilt a lot of somethings in my nation, instead of allowing people who are worthy of the employment or appointment they'll end up giving it to their relative or their friend's relative people with less idea or experience. All these are making our efforts look like nothing, imagine someone had worked many years in an organization and is well deserving of a promotion, the promotion will be on hold till they see their choice, this is killing us as a nation, treating others unfairly, treating people like they're not well deserving of a position or an appointment while they are, people should be more genuine in their decision making.
One trait I feel is slowly fading away is the trait of "fairness" which means treating people without discrimination, treating people equally is something I would like to bring back. In recent years people lived in harmony, you can't differentiate the poor from the rich, people live equally, no discrimination, and everyone is equal even in schools, life is very much easier to live then, you'll have the feeling of belonging.
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People shouldn't be scared to do what is right, those in authority should learn to treat everyone equally whether related to them by blood or not. And also in politics back then when elections were free and fair, right now in my nation it's the other way round, Like in the previous election held in my nation, people came out in numbers to vote for a better nation, the citizens thought they could change things with their votes but then people in higher authorities stepped in and gave us what we never wanted. See where we are now, everything has changed, and people are going through a lot. We keep asking ourselves if things will ever be better, we keep wishing to go back in time when things were much better.
Everyone should learn to treat each other fairly, I know life isn't fair but then we shouldn't be the reason why people believe life isn't fair, people's judgment should not be based on favoritism but rather should be based on who's well deserving, who has put in the work, who has the highest votes, if the world lived in fairness like it was we would be in a better place now. Honestly and fairness are the keys to a better world, a better nation, and a better individual.
thanks for reading🌹
I don't think life has ever been fair, with everything going on, the bad ones keep getting their way, and the good suffer. That is life
And that's very bad, any time I think of it I feel bad about it, life should be fair to every individual. People should make it fair also.
Discrimination and nepotism has always been around and I really don’t see it going away
It’s really annoying and painful when it’s done to us
But there are times we do the same thing to people and we don’t even notice we’re discriminating
Yeah you're very correct, I wish it could slowly go away😔
Yeah me too
You have talked about the world which is dream of every one. The world which is ideal. The world where there is equality, love , justice and peace. The world where people will not be tarnished just because of their weath. But alaaas this world will be threat to hegemony of many juggernauts.
But still we can wish and pray that order of this world gets well
That's our prayer every day but then what if it gets worse along the line...
There are problems in every person's life, but a person should never do it in such a way that he hurts the heart of another person and should not tell him wrong things.
Yeah, everyone has these problems but it is how they deal with them that matters, thanks for stopping by my post