Inktober Day 2 - Discover

I spent a good deal of the day creating a collection post about inktober. I found 32 posts related to Inktober Day 1. There are probably more!

I accidentally deleted the post as I was preparing it; so I had to create the post twice.

I will create another of these tomorrow for the prompt #discover.

InkTober Discover

I am playing a John Henry game of man v. machine. I take a pathetic stab at drawing an image. I then generate one with AI.

For the #inktober prompt #discover, I decided to draw from my imagination an image of a Viking long boat on the high seas.

While drawing the image I realized that I have never seen a long boat, nor have I ever been on the high seas.

I wanted to lay in a background image with Prismacolor pencils. I would finish off the image with a pen drawing, which I show below:

I was rushed and unhappy with the prismacolor base layer. Even worse, since I had spent all my time on the collection post, I had no time for the ink drawing.

I put the finished image with the shields and oars at the top of the page.

Finished with AI

But all was not lost. My clever plan from the beginning was to create a cheesy image and to ask Night Cafe to finish off the details.

Here is the finished work with the AI enhancements:

My SteemIt Drawing

This is the AI Drawing I made for my SteemIt Post.
