Beyond the Li River: Uncovering the Secrets and Splendors of Guillin, China


Tourism in the world has changed its perspectives. Nowadays many people prefer exotic and different destinations. One of those places that offers these components is China.
China with its ancient culture and its great industrial economic development, is a country that receives more tourists every year.
To get to know China better it is necessary to visit all its cities and most peculiar places, such as the city of Guillin.
This city with its coasts on the Li River, offers us a fascinating adventure through nature.

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Its forests, mountains and exotic vegetation make the city of Guillin a place to rest and do wild activities, such as hiking, cycling, or trekking.
It is protected by the Chinese government, since its cultural and natural legacy is one of the most important in the country.
The special shape of the mountain, also popularly called elephant trunk, is one of the most observed places in the city, this place also has a fabulous legend.

For those who love sailing, there are many cruises that take you on trips along the Li River, observing the city from a different perspective and also the nature that surrounds it.
The hotel services are very extensive but we can stay at the Guilin Royal Garden Hotel, located at 186-1, Linjiang Road.

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