Ranking with the new skin i got from (Shaco) AP - League of legends - [ESP/ENG]

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Bienvenidos gamers de Hive a otro episodio jugando en ranked de Elo Diamante, y como suelo jugar bastante con Shaco, tuve la suerte de que me toco esta nueva skin, y quice darle un vistazo y la verdad que me gustó mucho, si bien es una skin normal, tiene buenas animaciones. Pues bien, la partida que les traigo me dio unos 21 LP para seguir subiendo de Elo hasta maestro que es lo que aspiro para esta temporada, pero esta dificil) y el desempeño mio y el de mi equipo en esta partida fue exelente -> con algunos errores obvio, pudimos darnos una comoda victoria.
Welcome Hive gamers to another episode playing in Diamond Elo ranked, and since I usually play a lot with Shaco, I was lucky enough to get this new skin, and I wanted to take a look at it and the truth is that I really liked it, although it is a normal skin, it has good animations. Well, the game I bring you gave me about 21 LP to continue going up in Elo to master, which is what I aspire for this season, but it is difficult) and the performance of myself and my team in this game was excellent -> with some mistakes obviously, we were able to give ourselves a comfortable victory.

Este fue mi desempeño las ultimas partidas con Shaco, la del medio es una normal que jugue con un amigo asi que podemos descartarla, pero mi desempeño personal en el juego se destaca, ya que tanto 4/6/11 como la partida que les traigo hoy de 3/2/18 son buenos numeros que acomodan al equipo, mas que al ir daño AP con un posicionamiento correcto puedo llegar a ser muy molesto con este campeon.
This was my performance in the last few games with Shaco, the middle one is a normal one that I played with a friend so we can rule it out, but my personal performance in the game stands out, since both 4/6/11 and the game I bring you today of 3/2/18 are good numbers that suit the team, more than when going AP damage with correct positioning I can become very annoying with this champion.

Fue una partida de OTP'S, con muchos puntos de maestria para cada campeon, y el mach en contra de la bot con quienes combatimos me recordo al primer video gameplay que subi a Hive Gaming del league of legends, jugando con Galio soporte, que fue uno de mis picks por un tiempo, al conocer mucho al contra mach puedo jugar mas comodamente (mucho mas con shaco) ya que cualquier jugada que me pueda hacer... ya la conozco
It was an OTP game, with a lot of mastery points for each champion, and the mach against the bot we fought with reminded me of the first gameplay video I uploaded to Hive Gaming of League of Legends, playing with Galio support, who was one of my picks for a while, knowing a lot about the counter mach I can play more comfortably (much more with Shaco) since any move he can make... I already know it.

Estos 3 campeones son los que mas estuve utilizando ultimamente, como saben Shaco y Vi (por ahora) son mis campeones favoritos, y puedo jugarlos en varias lineas, incluso jugue con Vi de soporte y terminamos ganando porque claro, al jugar campeones raros en esas lineas como soporte suele serles incomodo al equipo rival
These 3 champions are the ones I've been using the most lately, as you know Shaco and Vi (for now) are my favorite champions, and I can play them in several lanes, I even played with Vi as a support and we ended up winning because of course, playing rare champions in those lanes as support tends to be uncomfortable for the opposing team.

Les explicare porque decidi en hacerme el Criptorretoño de segundo item, al haber en el equipo rival (Swain; Nasus; Malphite) que son campeones fuertes, de mucha HP y, descartando a Malphite de regeneracion de vida, con la penetracion logro romper ese escudo y hacer mucho mas daño de lo que se necesita para bajarlos, como tambien el cortacuras luego comprado para cortar su regeneracion
I will explain why I decided to get the Crypto-sapling as my second item, since on the opposing team (Swain; Nasus; Malphite) they are strong champions, with a lot of HP and, discarding Malphite's life regeneration, with the penetration I managed to break that shield and do much more damage than what is needed to take them down, as well as the healer later bought to cut their regeneration.


Ahi les dejemi perfil, donde puede chequear mi rendimiento, sigo en diamante 4 con 87 LP actualmente, y quiza mas tarde me juege alguna partida luego de volver del trabajo, pero es complicado (o se me esta haciendo complicado a mi) subir a maestro, se que queda un camino largo, pero sin mas que agregar, espero que disfruten de la partida, y que les guste la nueva skin de shaco que me toco, un saludo gamers.
Here I leave you my profile, where you can check my performance, I'm still in diamond 4 with 87 LP currently, and maybe later I'll play a game after returning from work, but it's complicated (or it's becoming complicated for me) to get to master, I know there's a long way to go, but without further ado, I hope you enjoy the game, and that you like the new shaco skin that I got, greetings gamers.

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