What would you like them to write in your obituary?
The day before yesterday I heard this question asked on a podcast by a guest who was a psychologist by training.
He said that if we thought about this little idea a lot more often, many of the things we value and attach too much value to would end up having the value they deserve.
Every day we are led to believe that some of the thoughts we have are the most important. But if we're rational, which thoughts or ideas really are the most important? Is that dispute or disagreement with a work colleague really worth all the energy we end up consuming and all the time we waste?
We came to this reality, the only one we know, and we're not really sure what we're doing here, but we know for sure that what we do here, or try to do here, will have repercussions on the things and people around us. Let's not expect all our actions to be great, and all our ideas or thoughts to always be important.
Life is often just to be lived. Without great rushes, without great conjunctures.
“Someone suddenly overtook me on the road...”
“Someone didn't hold the door for me”
“My coworker didn't say good morning to me”
These are all examples of small things that bring out our worst side. And even worse than the response they cause in us, is the time they waste and the energy they take away from the moment. And what do we get out of it? Nothing.
You have to know how to put things into perspective. Today I find myself a little depressed. I could probably put it down to the weather. I know that the weather influences people a lot, and naturally it does me too. But I don't think it's just about that.
You know what I'm going to do? Not worry too much. Have a cup of tea and relax. After all, what happened today I don't want to mark the rest of the week, even if it does appear in my obituary!
Free image from Pixabay.com
Vou ter de dedicar algum tempo a pensar nisso.
... E se calhar nem precisas. Eu é que algumas vezes penso demasiado no que não deve pensar! :)
Boa semana ;)