The sixth sense


We all depend on our senses to some extent. They provide us with what we consider to be reliable sensory information from the outside and even from within us...

Signals that carry millions of fragments of information right to the center of us... Some are lost along the way, many are not even perceived, except when we are more attentive to them... Who notices the force our foot exerts on the inside of our shoe? And the pressure the ground exerts on the shoe? Or simply the time our foot is not in contact with the ground? All the smallest pieces of information come to us...

Fortunately, not all of it is prioritized.

And have you ever thought that in addition to sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch, we have a sixth sense? What good would all that information be if it wasn't reconditioned and molded? If it didn't make us different and integral?

What if we were devoid of emotion? Would it be worth being informed and not feeling? Or to feel and not have emotion? What would be the point of having the image of a beautiful girl complimenting us, and us not feeling her emotion inside, and not feeling a warmth that makes us different from what we were before we saw her?

Have you ever felt like that?

Have you ever been anesthetized? You've felt yourself slowly losing consciousness... it starts with a drowsiness and a strong desire to close your eyes, which only ends when someone is talking to you after the procedure... Almost magical! What happened in that time? For us, we can't dream. Did it exist? If we were anaesthetized for years and years, would we wake up and not be able to recognize our image or body in the mirror at all?

And if this whole process were left unattended, would we be able to “come out” of it with a shred of lucidity? Or would madness settle in our minds... leaving no room for clairvoyance to peek through?

Is this how someone with dementia feels?

I think I've already told you about this huge nightmare of mine. One day becoming demented. Becoming demented and not recognizing it the second before... What would become of my mind in the instant following my complete dementia? Surely it would no longer inhabit my being, and I would lose my sixth sense? Forever.


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I have been anesthetized long time ago, may be 25 years in the past. I barely remember the experience, but it was a short duration of general sleep induce at the hospital.
I believe that memory will reconstruct through a slow process of image building to restore the entire memory bank.


I fell from a tree I was climbing when I was maybe 9 years old; fell some 8m, hit a (rotten) branch on the way down and landed on my back. I was (technically) dead for maybe 6-7 minutes before the emergency team revived me. It was a long time ago, so I don't remember it clearly, but I do remember that (1) I did not perceive being dead and (2) time inside the experience meant nothing, it felt like days might have passed. It was unusual, to be sure.

Ever since then I experience having more of a "sixth sense;" feeling like there is someone/something nearby when there is not... and sometimes knowing before it happens to step away from a possibly dangerous situation.
