Pantera, a real trip back in time


Welcome to my #TTT #ThreeTuneTuesday entry!

Hello music lovers!

As I'm a bit eclectic in my musical choices, this week I decided to dig a little deeper into my musical tastes from my youth.... Many of us, during the 90s, listened to heavy metal music and Pantera was one of the bands that blasted out powerful guitar riffs, with powerful bass and a strong beat that accompanied the voices that commanded and sang to the rhythm of everything that made up the song.

Today I'd like to share three songs I've chosen. I'll start with "Walk"... who hasn't shouted along to the rhythm of the march?

"Respect, walk
What did you say?
Respect, walk
Are you talking to me?
Are you talking to me?"

The second was "Cowboys from Hell"
With a breakneck rhythm and sections reminiscent of other bands from the same era, such as Machine Head, the madness of lead singer Phil Anselmo's performances led anyone to start jumping as soon as they heard the first chords... ending in an inevitable moch pit!

"Here we come reach for your gun
And you better listen well, my friend, you see
It's been slowed down below
Aimed at you, we're the cowboys from hell
Deed is done again, we've won
Ain't talking no tall tales friend
'Cause high noon, your doom
Comin' for you we're the cowboys from hell, ahhh
Step aside, we're the cowboys from hell"

And I'll end with the one that for me is the most representative of them... the real and only "5 minutes alone!"

"Five minutes alone, yes!
I read your eyes, your mind was made up
And I don't know what to do
You used the complexion of my skin
For an anti-racist tool
You can't burn me
I spilled my guts in the past
You took advantage of me
Because you know where I come from
My past"

The deep, guttural screams take the depth of the notes to the extreme, contrasting with the distortion of the rattling guitars!

Three Tune Tuesday.gif
GIF Image created in Canva with a free image from Pixabay

The post goes for Three Tune Tuesday challenge run by @ablaze. Don't be a stranger, and join the musical weekly ride!




Fun post, I love Pantera. They are my first metal band.

I always thought 5 Minutes alone was a great song and video


Hello, @shawnsporter ! Sorry for the delay on the reply for your comment!
Thank you so much for your comment, and for your follow!
Nice to know that someone "out there" related with the cool energy on this band!
