O truque mais simples... / The simplest trick... [Pt-Eng]

Lately I'm not the only one
I say never trust anyone
Always the one who has to drag her down
Maybe you'll get what you want this time around
The trick is to keep breathing
The trick is to keep breathing

Lyrics from "The Trick is to Keep Breathing - Garbage


Por vezes custa muito não fazermos algo que o nosso corpo pede... E hoje foi esse dia.

Depois de um dia cansativo no trabalho, onde acabei por estar mais de uma hora e meia para além da minha hora de saída, cheguei a casa, e confesso que me senti com vontade, de apenas descalçar os sapatos, calçar as pantufas, e sentar-me no sofá da sala a ler um livro que comecei há uns dias atrás do Murakami.

Mas houve uma pequena voz lá no fundo que me dizia: "Tens que ir... Já não foste ontem e antes de ontem por causa do mau tempo. Hoje não pode haver desculpa!".

Vesti os calções e os tênis mais confortáveis e disse para mim mesmo: "Vais mesmo..."

Há três dias, fez hoje de manhã, que deixei de tomar café ou qualquer forma de cafeína. Como já de uma outra experiência anterior que tinha feito, o que mais custa são os dois primeiros dias... Custa arrancar. Mas ao fim de 48 horas, o meu organismo lentamente começou a "perceber" que não poderia confiar nessa bebida para se energizar, ou para poder ter alguma desculpa de "falta de..."

Hoje também acabei por fazer algo que já não fazia há algum tempo. Fiz um período de jejum intermitente de 18 horas. Confesso que já não me lembrava como me fazia sentir tão bem. Um podcast que ouvi recentemente, fez-me levar a experimentar de novo esta abordagem, que segundo o médico entrevistado, leva a que a resistência à insulina baixe, e de essa forma o teu corpo comece a produzir corpos cetônicos que serão o "combustível" para o cérebro. De facto recordei como é verdade que parece que ficamos muito mais atentos, e com muito mais foco no que estamos a fazer. A fome, acaba por ser algo que é sentido, mas não por termos vontade de comer algo açucarado (normalmente associado a carbo-hidratos), mas sim por alimento com um índice glicêmico mais baixo.

Acabei a semana a sentir-me com mais energia, e muito provavelmente já devido à restrição de cafeína e ao jejum mais prolongado que eu fiz hoje de manhã e inicio da tarde.

Por vezes é só como diz a letra de uma das músicas que eu gosto dos Garbage: "O truque é continuar a respirar..."

Bem Hajam🍀

Sometimes it's hard not to do something your body is asking you to do... And today was that day.

After a tiring day at work, where I ended up spending more than an hour and a half beyond my departure time, I got home and I confess I felt like just kicking off my shoes, putting on my slippers and sitting on the sofa in the living room reading a book I started a few days ago by Murakami.

But there was a little voice in the back of my mind saying: ‘You have to go... You didn't go yesterday and the day before because of the bad weather. There can be no excuse today!’.

I put on my most comfortable shorts and trainers and said to myself: ‘You're really going...’

Three days ago, this morning, I stopped drinking coffee or any form of caffeine. As with another experiment I'd done before, it's the first two days that are the hardest... It's hard to get going. But after 48 hours, my body slowly began to ‘realise’ that it couldn't rely on this drink to energise itself, or to have some ‘lack of...’ excuse.

Today I also ended up doing something I hadn't done for a while. I did a period of intermittent fasting for 18 hours. I confess I couldn't remember how good it made me feel. A podcast I listened to recently prompted me to try this approach again. According to the doctor interviewed, it causes insulin resistance to drop, so your body starts producing ketone bodies, which are the ‘fuel’ for the brain. In fact, I realised how true it is that we seem to be much more attentive and focused on what we're doing. Hunger ends up being something that is felt, but not because we feel like eating something sugary (usually associated with carbohydrates), but rather food with a lower glycaemic index.

I ended the week feeling more energised, most likely due to the caffeine restriction and the longer fast I did this morning and early afternoon.

Sometimes it's just like the lyrics to one of my favourite Garbage songs say: ‘The trick is to keep breathing...’


Free image from Pixabay.com


That is the trick! Glad to hear you got off the caffeine train. It's not good for you anyway. Keep up the good work!


Thanks Higg! I must confess that in the beginning doesn't feels "good", but afterwards, the energy boost in incredible!


"Mens sana in corpore sano" 💪


Never easy, but so good to walk to!
Have a great weekend, my friend!


I've never tried fasting for 18 hours... I've only heard good things about this technique. But as far as coffee is concerned, I'm going to keep this habit, my little morning coffee, especially on work days, helps me get off to a good start 😀

Have a great weekend

Here a !PIZZA for your fasting 😀


These pizzas aren't even bad, they're zero calories and zero carbs! Thanks a lot, buddy! Enjoy your weekend


I love to fast as much as possible
My plan since I knew about the benefit of fasting was to reduce my daily meal for one, then to one after three days.
It is possible to live off this process and never get sick in your life except something targeting your organism, and you do nothing to stop it.
The food we cook has barely any rich natural nutrients inside. It is a complete reeducation that can change one life forever.
Do it on your own is risk, so be under the care of a specialist who have done it himself or herself and live by fasting principal.


Yes, you are absolutely right about that. I have to check up with a MD if this type of dietary isn't harmful for my particular health conditions. I've reduced from about 6 meals a day (breakfast, middle morning snack (health one), lunch, middle afternoon, dinner, tea) to approximately 3... Today was my third day, and just like I felted before, I fell great!
Thank you for your comment!
Have a great weekend!
