#Monomad Challenge - abandonment and loneliness/o abandono e a solidão [En-Pt]

Good morning, #Monomad friends

From the once colorful and vibrant backyard, only a small outline of its uniqueness remained... Where once hyacinths and roses thrived, today it had become a monochrome throne of bramble thorns.

The hushed, and very mysterious, abandoned corner of land seemed to have more than 30 years of solitude... The earth and plants are like that. They give their all when they are well looked after, but quickly when man stops digging around them, fertilizing them, watering them carefully at the hottest times... All the dedication given is returned to its caretaker in a curiously silent way, but very sonorous in color and pattern! Who doesn't imagine themselves at a real New Year's Eve ball when they come across flowering plants in their hundreds of different shades, heights, shapes and scents?

On one of my short visits to what used to be my grandmother's flower corner, she was no longer in this world... Only a small plant that she loved to see bear fruit, because of its white, spherical and very simple intumescences, had survived the absence of its gardener and caretaker.

Almost poetically, the raindrops that had fallen a few hours earlier and blessed the bramble-covered patch of land were drying up, forming tears on the surface of the pearly white fruit my grandmother loved so much.

Was it a sign of something? Obviously not. Man is the one who always tries to find connections and justifications in everything that disturbs him, bothers him, or leaves him with the same feeling that this yard had... abandonment and loneliness.

Do quintal outrora colorido e vivido, sobrara apenas um pequeno esboço da sua singularidade... Onde antes os jacintos, e as rosas prosperavam, hoje tinha-se tornado um trono de espinhos monocromático das silvas.

O silencioso, e muito misterioso cantinho de terra abandonado, parecia ter mais do que 30 anos de solidão... A terra e as plantas são assim. Dão tudo quando são bem tratadas, mas rapidamente quando o Homem deixa de cavar em sua volta, adubar, regar cuidadosamente nas horas de menor calor... Toda a dedicação entregue é devolvida ao seu tratador de uma forma curiosamente também silenciosa, mas muito sonora em cores e padrões! Quem não se imagina num verdadeiro baile de fim de ano, quando se depara com as plantas floridas, nas suas centenas de tonalidades diferentes, alturas, formas e odores?

Numa das minhas curtas vistas, ao que outrora tinha sido o cantinho das flores da minha avó, que por agora já não estava neste mundo... Apenas uma pequena planta que ela tanto gostava de a ver frutificar, por causa das suas intumescências branco alvas, de forma esférica e muito simples, tinha resistido à ausência da jardineira e cuidadora.

Como que quase poético, as gotas da chuva, que poucas horas antes tinha caído e abençoado o pedaço de terreno coberto de silvas, deixavam-se secar formando como que lágrimas na superfície das frutificações perolas alvas, que a minha avó tanto gostava.

Seria um sinal de algo? Obviamente que não. O Homem é que tenta sempre encontrar ligação e justificações em tudo que o perturba, o incomoda, ou o deixa com o mesmo sentimento que este quintal tinha... o abandono e solidão.





I hope you enjoyed my post here in the B&W community

Bem Hajam 🍀

Photographic edition with PhotoScape X
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)



Cool b&w pictures... Nice to remember your grandmother thanks to this little corner of nature.
Have a great sunday


Thank you, my friend!

Enjoy your Sunday :)


Love that plant, we e got some of them around here and I forget the name but it looks great in black and white!

Sad to hear of your grandmother but these things are important to remember, seeing the land she once cherished and maintained every once in a while is good!


Thank you so much for your kind words, and for the appreciation for the photos and also from my reflection

It is the memories that remain with us, that glorifies and perpetuates our ancestors ✴️
