Chocolate mousse - the magic of a recipe with only 4 ingredients
Good evening, Hivers!
Today I'm venturing out to post in this group for my first time. Not that I don't appreciate a good meal! In fact it's what I cherish most about my country, its gastronomy, and the taste in transforming food products into something more than a simple meal... into something unique and rich!
Well, as I am not a cook, and my culinary skills are certainly much lower than the average user of this community, I will share with you my best recipe! That's right... No more and no less than a simple chocolate mousse! And why is "my" chocolate mousse so "important" to me and ends up standing out every time I make it and take it to a gathering of friends, a birthday, or a simple shared meal? Well, the magic of this mousse is all about it's simplicity! A recipe made with only four ingredients, and that doesn't take more than 30 minutes to make... but it's all about using quality ingredients, and making it in a loving, unhurried way, just "mixing" the ingredients just like the book says.
It all starts then with having it on hand:
- 200 gr cooking chocolate bar (I have a preference on the Pantagruel brand)
- eggs (6, size L preferably)
- margarine (1 table spoon) (I use it instead of the unsalted butter mentioned in the book)
- white sugar (2 table spoons)
I open the cookbook on page 947, recipe 4218, and behold, I re-read it carefully as if it were not the umpteenth time I've made the recipe... Aahaha
I start by putting a large saucepan with water on the heat, in order to make a water-bath to gently melt the chocolate bar... It ends up being kind of therapeutic that little initial process. While the water is still boiling, I take the opportunity to break the eggs and separate the yolks from the whites.
After having the yolks separated from the whites, it's time to break the delicious chocolate into small squares... after all, this recipe is all about this simple and unique ingredient.
Don't forget that we can only make good recipes with good ingredients, but that the opposite is not true... If you're not careful, a good ingredient can be completely undone.
Knowing that the smooth taste of chocolate has to stand out, my "trick" is just to reduce the amount of sugar to 2/5! Simple!
Well, now that the chocolate with the tablespoon of margarine has melted, and all its aroma can be felt in the kitchen (you can also reduce this amount by 10 to 20%, as I think it's a bit too much... cookbooks don't care about our shape and size!.... Ahahah)
The yolks are gently beaten with sugar (in a small amount) and kept.
Next, the egg whites are whipped and placed in the refrigerator, so that they do not heat up to room temperature.
After the margarine has been incorporated into the melted chocolate, I remove it from the heat source, and added the egg yolks beaten with the sugar in small portions at a time, so that the thermal shock does not cook them suddenly, and so that the temperature of the heated chocolate do not go down abruptly. After the yolks have been fully incorporated into the chocolate, we heat the mixture again in a water bath, to ensure that the temperature gently bakes the yolks, thus avoiding a remote, but always possible, transmission of Salmonella.
When the temperature stabilizes, turn off the heat and keep stirring the mixture continuously to incorporate creaminess into it. When the mixture has cooled down, it is time to add the last ingredient, which is no less than the whipped egg whites. These must be incorporated and involved gently, to incorporate small pockets of air with this movement, never energetically... this is the part of LOVE! LOL
Then the magic is about to happen... The advantage of being cooking... After transferring the mixture to a bowl, the arduous task of scraping what was left there... so good!
After a well-deserved two-hour rest in the fridge, it's time to serve!
Dessert turns out to be a moment of relaxation in a meal. If you notice, if the main meal was good, the dessert will only enrich it! If you happen to make this recipe, let me know how it went, if it turned out well! And by the way, try to eat this mousse together with a fantastic espresso coffee, very Portuguese style!
I hope you like my humble recipe 🤗
I'm pretty sure this is yummy. I wanna try preparing this for my kids. Thank you for sharing your skills.
Thank you for comment! Let me know how it went! The sugar reduction is the trick! Makes the flavor and scent of chocolate more "natural" and more appealing 🤤
Thank you for this idea. Chocolate lover here 😍.
Curse you!! Now I'm drooling here! :P
Don't you worry about it... this is the light version - reduced sugar 😂
I make a cheat mouse with two ingredients: Chocolate an cream :D
I know its not the same, but its fast, good and it works.
It surely works... Since you have chocolate in the list, everything becomes great! Ahahah
True true :)
Thank you @ewkaw for the manually curation! Thank you so much for the support!
Hi @xrayman, this recipe is soooo good, very delicious. Look, please read our community rules, specifically number 5. Thank you.
Thank you for your comment, @foodiesunite !
Since this is my first post in this community, and so that I don't make the mistake of disrespecting one of the rules (5th one) of this community, could you please tell me in what way I should have made the pictures? Would I have to show my face, for example? I took the photos as I went along, having my cell phone by my side, and relating the most important steps and details of this simple recipe. Since I was alone, should I have used a tripod to include myself in the picture? Thank you very much for your attention 😉