A brave new world



Today I found myself thinking about one of the books I haven't read yet, but should have done so. I'm talking about Aldous Huxley's novel in which he describes the dehumanization of humanity (excuse the redundancy).

In the book, the author makes the actions man takes and the inventions he creates end up making him, in a way, their slave.

"What is the price of freedom?" That must be our question.

As we move towards a society that wants to be ever more inclusive and ever more humane, the technical introductions we are subjected to are, in a way, like handcuffs we put on ourselves. Let's see. The creation of a communications device that, in addition to making calls, also allows us to use it as an important leisure and work tool, leads us to create an almost unhealthy dependence on its constant monitoring.

We leave the house, and if we're less than ten minutes away, and we notice our cell phone is missing, 95% of us will probably turn around to get it. We can't conceive of “our daily lives” without the company of this technology. But don't think I'm superior. I too find myself relying on it a lot. How many times do I look at the screen of this veritable drain on my attention and energy, and if the battery level happens to be close to 10%, I immediately start planning how I'm going to charge it. And if I won't be able to charge it, how will I be able to carry out my normal tasks without it? And is it even possible?

Of course, the cell phone is just one example. Technologies make our lives much easier. We can find out the result of a search in less than two seconds. We can check our email at the click of a button. And we always have our contact list ready to use to send a message, or even just to be safe... The security of not missing anything.

And is that really the case? Do we really lack anything?

And the freedom of not having to worry about having a battery or being reachable.

I remember when I was young, not having a cell phone made everything so much easier. If we wanted to arrange an outing with our friends, we did it by landline. And we didn't have to spend hours planning. All we had to do was say the day and the time, and sooner or later we'd all be there. If someone was 10 minutes late, there was no need to call home. They were probably on their way... Or, if they weren't, it was because they had found something else to do, or had to go and do a more important task.

Nowadays it would be unthinkable for it to be like that. I'm not saying this out of childish nostalgia. Not at all. Times have changed. And the ease of being able to schedule things and know where others are comes at the cost of the freedom to do things differently.

Too high a price, in my opinion...


Free image from Pixabay.com


Too high a price, in my opinion

I agree, some technologies offer more freedom, but it seems a net-loss. Technology as a whole has actually reduced our freedoms and eroded our trust and personal interactions. Maybe it's all about how we use it - for example video chats are better than texting, in my opinion. !BBH


video chats are better than texting

That is about right, grateful! We had that experience that video chats brought people more close when we were forced to be apart (Covid). This weekend, even that I didn't had the possibility to be with others, I could have a morning walk in the park and be close to the new flowers that boomed this week. I felt such a great energy just with that simple moment.

Have a great week :)


I grew up the in 80's, if you weren't home, you weren't home. No cell phone to bother you, that was even before pagers became big. Cell phones are nothing but electronic leashes we have attached to ourselves. They may be useful at times, but at times I think they are just as much a curse and loss of real freedom.

Brave new world is right!


Yes. That is about my perspective on the "new world" problems that we are facing... There is nothing that "comes without a price to pay"

Have a great week, my friend


Ainda à pouco falava com o meu marido sobre isto. Tentamos que a nossa filha passe o tempo livre dela o mais longe possível de telemóveis e da tv. Eu sempre que posso, pouso o telemóvel longe e se estivermos os três nem me lembro de levar o meu. Estamos reféns de estar disponíveis para os outros e nem aproveitamos o que estamos a viver.


Apesar de eu não ter filhos, tento fazer o mesmo com as minhas afilhadas. Largar o que nos prende... os ecrãs que são pouco mais que sugadores de tempo e de atenção, e aproveitar para olhar em redor, ver, falar, ouvir, viver!
