PhotoFeed Contest - Street Photography 80 | Wandering along the beach | ENG / ESP


Talamanca is a medium-sized urban beach in Ibiza town. Although the island is predominantly touristy, this beach is frequented mainly by locals, with the odd tourist here and there.

In August it reaches its peak despite the fact that the residents are the busiest month for work, many go to spend the day off at this close and familiar beach.

It has a wooden walkway that surrounds it so that pedestrians can circulate without having to walk on the sand and is used by runners and some cyclists who break the rules, as you can not circulate with any vehicle on it.


Talamanca es una playa medio urbana en la ciudad de Ibiza. A pesar de que la isla es eminentemente turística, esta playa es frecuentada principalmente por gente local, con algún que otro turista por aquí y allá.

En Agosto alcanza su máximo apogeo a pesar de que los residentes es el mes que más trabajan, muchos van a pasar el día libre a ésta playa cercana y familiar.

Tiene una pasarela de madera que la rodea para que los peatones puedan circular sin tener que andar sobre la arena y es utilizada por runners y algún ciclista que incumple la norma, ya que no se puede circular con ningún vehículo sobre ella.



Teenagers allegedly doing photography practice.


Unos adolescentes supuestamente realizando prácticas de fotografía.


Kids who learn to sail and prepare their ‘optimist’ boats for daily training.


Chavales que aprenden a navegar preparando sus embarcaciones "optimist" para el entreno diario.


The waitress at the beach bar. She knows everyone who visits the place.


La camarera del chiringuito de la playa. Conoce a todo el mundo que visita el lugar.


The main characters of my target. The real sunbathers.


Los auténticos protagonistas del reportaje. Los bañistas.






Unless stated otherwise, all the pictures and the words are mine.
Do not use this image without my written permission.
Proudly free of AI.
Thanks for stopping by and taking a look.

Camera: Canon EOS5 MkIII
Lens: Canon 24-70 f:2.8
Processed with Capture One

Translated with plus little adjustments made by me.
