Recap on Russia - Ukraine as of now



We arrive on August 24, the Russians continue to eat away at territory, Zelensky makes a suicide effort to invade Kursk, and Germany issues an arrest warrant for a Ukrainian living in Poland who is suspected of blowing up North Stream.
This demonstrates that all we mentioned from 2022 to the present is the truth of the situation, should there be any more to be done.
Zelensky demonstrated that the Russians were correct to warn that a NATO-affiliated Ukraine posed a threat to Russia by assaulting Kursk with weaponry from the alliance.

That Ukraine is not a friendly nation to the European states, but rather a tool of the United States and the United Kingdom. They blew up the North Stream, an act that any normal, sovereign nation would consider an act of war, but Germany keeps sending weapons to Ukraine even as its economy collapses due to high energy costs resulting from the shortage of Russian gas. What's even more shocking is that they now claim that the North Stream sabotage was the product of a drunken joke, but up until yesterday, it was Putin. Even a fool would understand that it is foolish to blow up one's own infrastructure when one can disable its use at home.

As supplies are being cut off to the Donbass front, the Russians breach the lines, taking control of vital locations such Niu York and Pokrosk and pushing forward along the whole line, leaving the Ukrainians stuck in Kursk, including troops and vehicles.

While media misinformation continues to spew lies about Ukrainian triumphs, we have been preaching for years that this conflict was certain to end and that arming Ukraine would only help to drag it out and kill more people.

We stated that sanctions would ground us rather than have an impact on Russia.

Sadly, a great deal of people have been completely brainwashed by the relentless propaganda and have come to believe the most ridiculous fairy tales that are told on TV or in the newspapers. If these people had even the slightest bit of critical thinking, they would be able to see the holes in the lies that are being fed to us.

If we had to summarize this catastrophe, we would say that the West and the large group of lobotomized individuals who consume and support every bit of garbage because they think it is for the greater good are 90% to blame.

They forced the Ukrainian people to commit suicide, treating them like NATO cannon fodder.

The USA skillfully orchestrated this war to test Russia's resolve and provided cover for imposing sanctions on the country that primarily hurt European states by accelerating the self-destructive process of decarbonization, which is ultimately nothing more than the deindustrialization of the old continent.


The war in Ukraine actually started in April 2014, when the Ukrainian government initiated an "anti-terrorist" operation in northern Donbas. It's clear that the West's support for self-determination is conditional. They only back independence movements when it aligns with their geopolitical interests, as seen in the case of Kosovo. But when it comes to regions like Ukraine or Catalonia, seeking independence is seen as a criminal act.
