Avian flu alert in Mexico! Actually no...


Or rather, no, the avian flu does not kill a man. The WHO made a grave error and reversed course. The World Health Organization first declares that the avian virus is the cause of death before changing its stance.

The episode is about a Mexican guy who supposedly perished from the avian flu. The Mexican government voiced its thoughts on the death that was made public, stating that the World Health Organization's communication was appalling because there had been talk of a fatal case of the H5N2 avian influenza from the start, which never materialized.

The 59-year-old diabetic patient with renal issues who tested positive for the virus passed away from unrelated causes.

The Mexican Ministry of Health provided this information, citing renal and respiratory failure as contributing factors to the death.

In summary, the illness is not brand-new. It is not the illness that was mentioned at the most recent World Economic Forum conference, either X, Y, or Z.

Regardless of how much the WHO may regret it, it appears that it is too early to reinstate masks, quarantines, lockdowns, vaccines, and associated green passes.

As is customary for patients who come in bad condition, the minister writes that many samples were collected from the guy, who was admitted to the National Institute for Respiratory Diseases in Mexico City. It was in one of these samples that the H5N2 virus, which is connected to avian flu, was discovered. It is only loosely true that there is little risk in this instance.

To explain all of this, Mexican health officials will meet with their counterparts from the WHO. Minister Jorge Alocer restates that the patient has no history of family connections or encounters that may account for the infection's genesis and that there is no proof of human transmission.

A non-flexible position is highlighted by the WHO health officials' slip-up, which led technicians from the Mexican Ministry of Health to deny in the style of Speedy Gonzales.

The WHO is not in the greatest of times. The failure of the effort to impose a pandemic treaty in Geneva resulted in the World Health Organization gaining total control and the European Union acting as the agent of an authority whose intentions don't always seem clear.


Today 88% of the WHO's funding comes from Bill Gates, who clearly has a controlling interest in the WHO as a result. Tedros will say whatever the primary funder of the WHO wants him to say, as all sock puppets do.

This takeover of a Swiss charity by Bill Gates, whose commercial rapine is notorious, constitutes a crime under Swiss law. However, due to the same principle of money corrupting corporate bodies of every derivation, I will not hold my breath awaiting any corporation masquerading as government to prosecute such crimes. If there is to be justice, prosecution of just laws will have to be undertaken by good people, of whom there are none serving in corporations masquerading as governments today.



