The OG Stacker Part 2 - Stacking Beyond Thunderdome


by td.jpg

Now I have been around the blockchain long enough to know people don´t read, and then I am gonna use that knowledge to hide the truth right there at the end of the post between the lines.

That is so (un)fair

Last week I wrote my introduction post, as I think you cannot barge into a new community without a proper introduction:

My Introduction To the SGS Community - 𝗥𝗜𝗣 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗢𝗚 𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗿

To not make it a whining story coming from a baby stacker I invented the OG Stacker. Now don´t get me wrong this guy is real and so is everything I wrote about him.

Even the part that he left me half his stack. And that I was annoyed when the other half got sold to pay for a renovation of a house and a memorial party for the OG stacker.

Everything I told you was the truth, honest to gold.

Even the part that the OG Stacker was my brother and that I hoped to see him in the hereafter if such a thing even exists.

Now this last part I hid at the bottom of the post. The part no one reads, and I did well.

Nobody felt sorry for me and from the comments, few peeps actually picked up on the fact that he indeed was my one and only brother.

The response I got from the community was awesome!

Thanks all for the wonderful comments and darn if I can call out one wonderful comment it´s @kerrislravenhill I felt so welcome.

I could relate so much to Tell No One and getting your own economics in order first, but the best thing...

I learned a new word numismatist a word that everyone here already knows, but now I do too!

What´s Next

Well, the next chapter in my stacker story of course!

As I told you last time I am not sure if I fully fit in, but maybe I do.

The thing that causes me to doubt is what I told @thekittygirl .

I am kinda of a cold-hearted SOB when it comes to stacking.

I have been stacking sats for years but I am not in it for the Tech(no), nor am I in it for the profit.

TheKittyGirl said;

Many of us in the SilverGoldStackers (SGS) community also see the charm and value in old coins and their fascinating history.

I get that.
I read that.
I see that.
But I don´t think I feel that.
At least not yet.

Maybe that is why I lurked around so long, and maybe that is also why I joined this community.

It´s the story that sells the product

I like the idea that almost all those Silver coins I am stacking used to be the actual coins that people from my home country The Netherlands used to buy their necessities. Because back when these were used you could not buy Chinese AliBAbab crap to fill the emptiness inside.

Only the sheer necessities were marketed.

I do feel that such a bit of history gives them coins a little more shine.

Plus fact my brother wanted me to have them. That makes them shine even brighter.

But both are not the ultimate reason why I am holding on to them. The ultimate reason is very cold, post-apocalyptic cold.

But more about that in a bit, let me first make up on last week´s promise.... more pics!

Beauty is in the Bag

Because as @trumpman commented I showed you a very sexy plastic bag last week and only a glimpse of the glimmers inside.

I did that sort of on purpose. I mean I see how you are all flashing your shinies over here.

But I wanted to be polite, make it a nice and humble introduction, with just enough picture material to pique your interest.

The Cat Is Out Of The Bag Now

So what did those bags look like on the inside, well I can tell you they do not polish these coins before they sell them. And the OG stacker did not care a bit.

He left those coins hanging.
Right there in that sexy bag, with the weight and amount of silver still on it.

The Sexy Bag

That made me think he probably was a cold-hearted stacker just like me.
Because my research showed me that this was the most economical way to buy silver, well that, and @goldrooster confirmed it in the comments.
That was one of the most important things I wanted to get out of that post so big thanks!

In all honesty, I might be less cold than the OG stacker was, as I bought them a nice little place to crash and polished them so they could be shiny thingies once again.

Now that whole polishing thing is probably absolutely not done, so tips about that are super welcome. Too late for most of my coins, but I still have a couple of those sexy bags.

The rest looks like this:

Rijksdaalder front

Rijksdaalder Back

So me taking time to polish 2.5 kilos over silver coins might prove I have more love for the stacks than he did, but only time will tell.

That was the type of coins that came in those bags, but he had some nice little surprises:

Juliana 10 Gulden

Wilhelmina 10 gulden

This coin is amazing for playing heads or tales.
It´s the Dutch 10 Gulden Collectible from 1970 "Nederland Herrijst 1945-1970" 25 Years of Liberation with both the Queens that reigned during that period.

@thisismylife this is my favorite coin for a number of reasons.
It commemorates (wow spelled that right without help) the liberation of our small nation
I got it from my brother
You can use it to cheat

But most important one of these (I got multiple) I won playing marbles as a kid. Yes, true story.

He lost his marbles

I was sort of the marble king of our school, and this Boy from my brother's class lost all his marbles to me and my brother.

He challenged me to play the next day, 40 of my best marbles against a silver 10 Gulden coin.

Long story short I pocketed that coin, no problem.

Short story long, my mom asked me how I got that. And she smelled that the boy named Boy probably stole that shiny thingy from his mommy.

Now I don´t know what happened after anymore, but I think she told me I was to give it back if his mom ever asked for it.

Bikini Bottom Line

I still have the coin. Hence I have been stacking Silver for over thirty-five years. Wouldn´t that make me the OG Stacker?

Okay, enough history back to the future and that cold apocalyptic truth that might be headed toward us at the speed of light.

Like I told @mypathtofire in the comments it maybe it´s me and the fact that I saw Mad Max 1, 2, and 3 at a too-young age (I was 9 or 10 but our souls were not as cold as those of kids growing up with anti-social media nowadays)

But based on several responses I have the feeling that I am not the only one, who thinks someday soon the world as we know it will not be there anymore.


Clearly, it´s not just me that likes the idea of having something when everything else fails.

When Everything Else Fails

When that day comes I expect the world to become a lot colder than it is already.
Fiat will be dead, crypto needs electricity and some kind of internet and we humans will be back in the dark ages.

It will be the time muscle, medicine, and real money if I look at Max. Well, they needed Gasoline as well which of course is a sort of liquid gold.

This lovely future perspective makes it a bit difficult to see the value of those great stories behind the pieces we hold. Hence learning to appreciate the stories and being a numismatist is a skill I hope to pick up or be infected with from being among you Golden Girls and Silver Sirs.

But till then, I Keep Stacking Beyond Thunderdome.

Oops Almost forgot I made it to the Stacker of the Week shortlist!

Not sure if you still can vote, if so....
You still can vote click below!

Thank goldness you made it till the end Pees, Love and I am out of here!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Very nice! Sorry I must have missed that about your brother like most other people. Maybe I actually did read it but I thought it was a friend that you were calling a brother like some people do. If you haven't already, be sure to spend a bit of time in the SilverGoldStackers Discord. After a bit we can nominate you to become and official part of the group with all the associated perks. I was lucky enough to get nominated about a year ago and it has been great.


Thanks bro 😂 and I am terrible at discord but with my holiday coming up let me put that on my to do list 4 sure great tip!


You won't be disappointed!


Please don't have any doubts because of what I said. I was merely attempting [perhaps unsuccessfully] to show that everyone has different motives for stacking, and different ways of acquiring the stack. There is no single "correct" way to do it. It also doesn't matter what form one's stack takes, whether it's bullion, coins, jewelry, or something else, nor does it matter whether it's silver, gold, platinum, or one of the other "precious" metals. What matters is that each of us collects what we value and what satisfies our motives for stacking, whether that is an apocalyptic motive, an investment motive, an historical motive, an artistic motive, or a "just having fun" motive. We're happy to have you and your stash of silver with us! 🙂


Thanks for a very kind comment, and being around this community might warm me up to more than just stacking but also the love for the underlying stories.


Did someone call for The Stackitis Nurse?

My Clinical Study of Stackitis-Stackitus Article Health Report 8675309

Intervention Assessment:
Brand: Royal Dutch Mint ✔
Configuration: 10 Gulden Coin ✔
Year: 1970 ✔
Purity: 0.720 ✔
Supporting Ag: Included in a big 'sexy' 1 Kilo bag of silvery goodness. ✔
Patient Assessment (SAT) score 0.72
Status: Qualitative Pass

Conclusion: Treatment outcome Successful. Mr @whywhy

Comments: That's right, don't bother polishing them unless you like polishing we could hook you up to a Silver pouring artist as your therapy. You shouldn't really bother with putting them in capsules either unless there is an exceedingly a rare desirable numismatic specimen overlooked by the supplier of your loot.

Sweet two headed coin, I might get one to even my odds since I suck at Poker. This post will establish a Stackitis baseline so I will keep your file open here should you need further help or intervention.
This service is free, and an upvote is administered.
And, I like shiny things.

And now for the Speed-reading part….
Thank you as I'll be monitoring and documenting the results carefully. I will add these experiences into our knowledge base knowing that it will greatly benefit others in similar circumstances.
If you, or anyone you know, are having problems dealing or coping with Stacking symptoms, side effects, or negative outcomes my clinic door will be open.

"Because the loss of a Stacker as a loss to all of us."

Kerris L Ravenhill
Hive Public Health Intake Studies Division: HCW II, N.P.N, D.T.Dip , Bu.S.H.I.T PMAS Stackitis Study Group
🚑 💉 For the Health of the Stacking Community 🚒 💊

Other Stackitis Nurse Articles:

Supplementary note;


Darn that is one sick comment!

And the non existing prize for the best comment on my post this week goes to @kerrislravenhill again!


I am after all, a nurse by trade.
New Word for you; Stackitis.


Ha! I want to leave a long comment but my back won't let me. I will get back and !PIMP it for now. Glad you like the community, they are a good bunch! The best bunch, in fact!

Ps Tick Tock.. almost time!
