My Writing Is Worth Much More Than Peanuts, I Am Not A F' ing Monkey


I have been in the game of writing content for many years. And to be honest I never expected to get rich by doing so.

Yesterday there was this little discussion I had with a very positive person on another platform, he´s totally happy staying poor but hopes that creating online content one day might lift him up.

The basis of the discussion was this point:

I can go and mow lawns and make 15 dollars an hour doing something I don´t like or I can spend 20 hours a week writing on platforms like HIVE, Bulb, and Publish0x making less than a dollar an hour in crypto.

Please don´t bring up other options like text writer etc. because I have a day job already.

I am writing because I have that drive. I have written for a newspaper in a long forgotten past and if anyone would ask me to do that again, No Thank You I am not interested.

Writing is my creative expression, it´s a hobby and my hobby makes me money instead of costing money.

From that angle, the crypto dollar-per-hour sounds pretty good.


Quality Content

But there is another side to every story even the ones I write and that is that there are trash content creators that make a lot more per hour. But I am not even gonna compare myself to that.

What I do think is that I create quality content. And that the daily writing I have been doing for years now has improved my content. I noticed that when I went back to the place I started writing and got a million compliments on my work.

They did not remember me, but I remembered them and then I remembered why I left. They are not there to grow, to get better, to deliver quality, and they were not and they never will be.

But I Am

I had a dream....
Or better a wishlist.

When I was 16 I had three wishes, nothing that was unachievable but still I consider them things that many want and not all will get.

Being a DJ, many dream of it but few can say that they stood okaying for a 2000 people audience each month. I did it, don't ask me how but I set my mind to it and did it.

Working in a Dutch coffeeshop, it sounds like just another job but my friends and I would love to have that job when we were 16 and scraping by to buy our weed while these guys behind the bar could smoke whatever they want and got a discount. Set my mind to it and.... nothing...still nothing ...and done.


Now the third wish, and probably the biggest wish of all when it comes to feasibility, is to become a bestselling writer. Now the selling can be taken into a broader perspective nowadays but basically, I want to be read by let's say at least 100K people.

Preferably weekly but if it's one book that sells 100K copies I will accept that as a win as well.

I have been working on achieving that dream since I was little, I won some prizes back in my school days. Then got some great reviews while studying journalism, and now for the last 8 years I have been sharing my written content.

I have written about Wuhan, TV series, God, Music, Finance, and probably a million more things.
I had articles with over 10K views and articles nobody ever read. I got the most beautiful comments in the world that kept me going, and I am still waiting on my first death threat.

I Forgot One Thing

Of course, I sometimes made a decision out of commercial interest and decided to change a word or a title, but it's been minimal.

I made money over the years, but it has been minimal.

The thing is I accepted it to be minimal because that is what the output on most online writing platforms is, it's minimal.

I accepted that as the status quo, that no matter how great my articles were, no matter how much time I put into them the inputs would not equal the outputs. I am an awesome type monkey, but I accepted peanuts for my inputs.


And that is fine, I love writing, I love learning, and so I accepted it.

But today, after yesterday's discussion I had this brain fart. This epiphany for dummies:

If you accept a situation it will remain as is, you will have to set your mind to something to achieve it.

Bikini Bottom Line

I will become a best-selling and/or well-read author and as of today I consider my work worth much more than a dollar per hour input. I do no longer accept that online writing, I say writing not shitposting, has an output that is not in line with the input.


To make my last wish happen I need to set my mind to it and that means changing my mindset.
My online creations or real-world written and printed creations will become a hit and sell like hell.

If you accept peanuts, you will always be a monkey! And I am no Monkey, I consider myself Van Gogh with a keyboard.

Now the only worry I have since I changed my mind is that I will not become another Van Gogh, as in being freaking famous while dead and poor AF alive.


Thank goodness you made it till the end Pees, Love and I am out of here!


My brother in law worked in the newspaper business for years. He was a sports writer. After the small papers he worked for got either bought out or shuttered, he now works in a public school doing something totally different. He seems happy though. I always thought it might be fun to be a editor, but I hate reading, so that might not work out so well!


No, editor is not for me either. I like writing... a lot but I really need to change my mindset and go for gold instead of peanuts


I have to do some review and revision for some of the reports that my wife writes and I know that my time on Hive has made me a better writer. I am more thoughtful about the way I word things and the way she does too. She gets a little miffed when I totally rewrite whole paragraphs though!


I have that intention as well and always try to point out improvements to my colleague who always has a hard time to be clear and concise but she appreciates it....or says she does


Good luck man and looking forward to see your journey continue!


Thanks, I just needed some self-motivation and affirmation and let go of acceptation


Good thoughts and it's definitely what I've learned being on Steem and later Hive that no matter how many hours you put in writing, it's possible you end up with 1 buck rewards (minus curation) but also possibly hit 200+ rewards for that same content.

I've seen all the rewards, even up to 205 for one post, granted it was a very long read but still, I wrote more of these in the years to come and not see anything more than peanuts in return.

I write when I feel like it, I could easily get more rewards by publishing daily as I'm a member of silver gold stackers but I'm not driven by that anymore. Real life needs my focus now that my health is improving again I see that crystal clear :)

You will get there though, I'm sure one day you get to sign your bestseller :)

