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Every Day A Different Story (14).gif

Well well well, a lot has changed in four weeks.
Bitcoin is at 35K and God Unchainched has undergone the biggest updates since I started playing last April.

Now I work in change management, but nobody likes change. Normally it grows on you but in this case....I am not so sure.

The God Power Change

I used to always play Thievery because I have a tendency to run out of cards, but nowadays it has no more creatures (it did before didnΒ΄t it) but offers you a choice from 3 spells at a 3 mana cost. A bit expensive if you as me but, I still prefer this option so I donΒ΄t run out of cards halfway.


Sanctum nowadays has been filled by a whole bunch of new cards and itΒ΄s missing that card to attack a God directly, but as it can be used against you that might be a good thing. Other than that I find the new set of cards in the sanctum refreshing and more useful than previously. Even for those with a high mana cost I think they are set at fair value and allow you to save up your points and have a better use case for them in the end game.


Another change that I did not get, but I did my own research and:


Spend X mana on cards or god powers in a single turn while holding a card with manasurge to trigger its effect.

But that is not what this post is about. This post is about advice. Advice to the noob army! And who better to give that advice than another Noob?

Nobody, you are absolutely right!

So why should I start giving advice, well:

  • Six Months ago I started playing.
  • Three Months Ago I started writing.
  • This Month I start advising!

My First advice is do not take advice from a baby or a noob, basically never take advice without researching. And hereΒ΄s why:

My Biggest Mistake (So far)

I got some awesome advice after asking for it, I think I was playing for two months by then.
The advice was to forge my cards, upgrade them, and make them shiny.

Sounds like great advice right, and I did what was suggested without Doing My Own Research....guess what it did not help me move up at all and I spent quite a bit of GODS on it. I will explain the whywhy of this situation below.

What A Noob Needs To Know

First of all, I struggled with the lingo, but this place will explain the Terminology.

Now, let's start with the stuff that made me feel stupid:
GU stands for God's Unchained.

And the W & L in your daily play to earn overview stand for Wins and Losses


If you forge a creature and play on a desktop, you might not find it once forged. I have to reboot the game for it to show up, the same happens when I buy one.

And last but not least if the Play button remains grey it's probably because you did not select a deck (and I actually contacted support for this, not that they could help, but I just did not understand why the Play button was not working anymore)


My Favorite Mistakes

So why was it a mistake to shine up my cards, because no one told me I should upgrade all of them to see an increase in the fragments I receive for winning a ranked battle.

Just check out the difference between 29 Meteorites & 1 plain vs 30 Meteorites.

So I played several months with a deck containing meteorites, shadows..... and plainies and hardly saw any increase in fragments without understanding whywhy.

Another mistake, that I keep making till today is giving a card I just played blitz and then wanting to attach the opposing GOD in the first turn, I think I will never learn to not do that.

My last favorite mistake, copy-buying a deck. I found a pretty cheap deck with a pretty good rating and I bought 90% of it. When playing I found that 30% of the cards I bought did not suit me. So instead of copy-buying a whole deck, I would suggest slowly integrating them into your existing decks one by one.

Where to buy?

Tokentrove is fine for buying and selling if you ask me.

By the way, I made several buying mistakes, one was that I thought I was smart and bought two of these girls:
Now they are awesome, no complaints there but....
OOPS OOPS OOPS; you can have only one copy of cards with a legendary rarity.

And there is one more....

Last month I told you I was gonna save up to buy this guy:


66 GODS seemed a fair price, but when I made those 66 GODS this guy was worth 85 GODS????

Since then he came down a bit, but I felt quite stupid for not buying at 66.


How Not To Get Ahead in GU

Just do what I do, play the game for 3 months every night 10 games a day without any research or asking questions. ItΒ΄s the best way to waste your time, and become an autodidact or better said an unguided.

So the best way to get ahead is to play the game 10 ranked games each night and ask questions. Dive into the realms and understand how the game works.

Because as soon as I started asking questions I increased quite a bit. And challenging myself to write about it also helped because it pointed out that there were some things I had not thought about.

Another useful piece of advice

Play, Forge, Buy, Repeat.
The cadence of the game is nothing more than that. Invest the GODS you make in forging and buying cards. DonΒ΄t go on a shopping spree like I did. Add a card that seems to fit your strategy and try it out, if it works for you youΒ΄ll know soon enough.

Have a Strategy

After your first weeks, you should start thinking about and looking at other people's strategies. Because you can pick and mix cards all you want, but it will not be a winning deck if there is no strategy structure in the deck's build.

Now there is more than enough out there about strategy, but if you are just starting out and donΒ΄t want to spend too much quick and deadly might be a good start.

Multiple Decks

Personally, I focused on hitting the ground running with one deck and not diversifying until I had some sort of clue about what I was doing in these realms.

I still think itΒ΄s a good approach, although if you are thinking about multiple decks early on experimenting with different gods is a smart thing if, unlike me, you donΒ΄t have one god calling you.

I heard the voice of deception from day one, and itΒ΄s only now that I am thinking about pledging my allegiance to multiple deities.

Handy sites I found too late:

So if you want to check out stats on decks and keep an eye on your own add your uses to GU Decks:

To keep an eye on what you are holding and what cards are Forgeable I use GUForge: https://guforge.com/4523822

And I am still using https://market.immutable.com/ but why I donΒ΄t know I guess it gives me a nice overview of my inventory and what I have on sale.


That reminds me of another expensive noob fail. When I first started selling I had no idea where to find a proper price index. So I just put in a number and if it did not sell I lowered it....you canΒ΄t get more degen than that.


Nowadays I use Tokentrove for buying, selling, and checking what price I should use to sell.

I figured out something btw regarding buying and selling. I often find that 1 shadow card is cheaper than 5 meteor cards. So I thought myself so smart buying that meteor card which it probably was.

But when the 5 meteors are cheaper than the Shadow card, even after forging, it does not always work out. It might be a gut feeling but Shadow cards do not seem to sell as easily as Meteor cards. But that is only a hunch that I need to keep an eye on.

Other than that I am selling only cards from Gods I have no interest in playing. And use the tokens to buy cards that fit my Godly taste.


One more thing, I struggled slightly with setting this up so just as a little heads up:
To buy and sell you need to set up Metamask first, there are probably more options but as you are a noob just do what I say😁.

Creating A wallet

If you have Metamask already just jump to 2:10

Okay not doing the whole tutorial stuff there is enough of that online. I wanted to talk about how to get ahead quickly as a noob, something I failed in so I am the best person to tell you how not to.

Now I still have a million questions and I will work them out step by step and keep you posted. So if you are new to the game, you are not too late. Probably just in time as the bulls are coming and GODS is picking up the pace for the first time in 6 months.


Now itΒ΄s not at all about the money....or is it?

It is because I need that magical internet money to improve my deck and if you play it smart and time it right you are just ahead of the bulls....meaning that while you are enjoying a good game and improving your deck....the worth of the token backing your cards is increasing. So if after two years you are done playing, it might be actually worth something.

But starting out expect to spend 2 hours playing 10 games and make 15 dollar cents.

So the last piece of advice, and probably the best piece is: DonΒ΄t invest your time if you are not having fun playing.

Thank goodness you made it till the end Pees, Love and I am out of here!

[Source Pic](All pictures are by Meme, MyI & AI unless source is listed)


Good Morning Sir.

Can we have a chat over discord please?

Thank you.


Great overview. Good to see you making progress in the game. Ember Oni is a great card and can really turn games around. I havent stacked so many GODS tokens yet myself, but have quite a few cards that I hope might be worth something, one day!


Progress has been slowed down a bit this month, but I keep moving up slowly and having fun playing. And I am gonna try one more month to get Ember for Oni 66 GODS if I fail I will pay the price because indeed he might be the game changer I am lacking now too often.


I think you can buy with ETH cheaper than GODS at the moment though.


Yeah I know but that would require me to swap some GODS for ETH first and I guess the fees would make it not a smart move. I just need to sell some more cards for ETH I GUess !LOLZ


Yeah true, thats why I prefer Wax for NFTs for sure.


100% Agree if this game was on WAX I probably would have started playing a lot earlier, but well I will just start merging some nature and death cards and sell them for eth.


Other than that I am selling only cards from Gods I have no interest in playing.

Same here, and also because it is quite hard to put off a new deck on another domain if you don't have the cards that are necessary to build a decent deck.


Exactly and I am just working up the courage and the tokens to start building a deck for another domain, still doubting if I should as I am still happy playing my deception deck.


Hi Sir, good day.

Can we have a chat over discord please if you don't mind?

Thanks in advance.


Hello there,

I just identified myself a noob. Playing GU since 3 months, maybe more. I did not know the Meteorite cards give more fragments than the Plain cards. (Also I didnt know, there is even a community for GU on Hive, just found it yesterday.)

I thought for that, those combined versions should give more something, but I didn't find any info about that. Only old ones, with info, it will come.

Do you know any place where it is detailed, listed, which card levels how big boost give to fragments?



Hey !
The pinned post at the top of the community has an online excel calculator which you can copy and use, I used it and it is interesting to see what combination gives what fragments:

But I did not dive into using it, maybe I should would probably enlighten me .....yeah maybe I should have a second look....anyway hope this helps and I found some good comments in this Reddit post so just FYI https://www.reddit.com/r/GodsUnchained/comments/1219uql/heres_a_small_rundown_on_the_affect_that/


Thank you!

I'm going to check those out. So far, I just played for fun. I collected nearly 100 GODS since early summer, now it makes sense to spend it... πŸ˜€


Indeed that is what I did, play 3 months collect a bit and then upgrade.... just make sure your deck is not containing 1 plain card but all at least meteorite that really will increase the fragments


Oh just 1 more question. Does the rarity count in it, as well? Or only the quality of the card?


Not as far as I have researched, and keep in mind when upgrading that you can only have one of any particular legendary in the deck.
