Is Success Really Necessary?

Hey, wholesome reader!

I've been watching a Korean drama, Love Next Door, and it stirred up something in my mind. Watching the series has helped me reflect on a few things, especially how I define success in life.


I’ve often expressed to my friends, "Kinsa man nag-ingon nga dapat successful ta sa kinabuhi?" (Who ever said we need to be successful in life?). It might come off as a joke, but deep down, it’s a question I’ve always been searching for answers to.

As a child, raised to make no more than three mistakes on an exam, success meant perfect scores and high grades. But as I grew older and stepped out of school, I found myself lost, with no clear vision of what success truly looks like to me. Life can feel overwhelming, especially when we don’t have a solid foundation or a clear sense of purpose.


Over the past few months, I’ve started to gain new perspectives on what "success" means for me. I’m slowly beginning to understand how I want to shape my version of success, but I still get confused sometimes. It’s still a long journey ahead, and part of me wonders if I’ll ever get there (or if it even matters at all!).

Maybe the real answer lies in redefining success not by societal standards, but by how fulfilled we feel in our day-to-day lives. At the end of the day, what matters is finding peace in our path, whether or not it matches the traditional ideas of success. So here’s to the ongoing journey — let’s take it one step at a time, with curiosity and kindness.


What do you think? Kindly comment down as I would love to read your thoughts and learn from you! 💌

Thank you for reading my post up to this point. I hope you have a great time ahead!

I'll take delight in writing for you again soon.

Sam ♡



A better source would have been to use the IMDB site: Finding a decent source for proper attribution, when creating posts about movies, is not easy. From the photo you sourced in this post...

OperaGX snapshot from your post

When we create posts that provide us with the possibility of rewards (funds/money/etc), it is imperative that we source the creator of said images. Otherwise... we are "stealing" from the person who created said images/content/ etc... I am just trying to make sure you are creating the best content you can!



Hi @wesphilbin. I apologize for citing the wrong source. Already edited the link and will keep in mind your words. Thank you and sorry 🤗
