Past Lives, Psychological Habits and Things Unexplained

There are many people on Earth who believe in Reincarnation; the idea that after we die we come back and "do it all again," perhaps in a different form, perhaps not.

Of course, if you believe in reincarnation as something that is going to happen to it, it would also follow that many who are walking around among us have had past lives.


Learning about your past lives is not a parlor trick and it should not be entered into lightly.

Remembering who you are by recalling who you were and what you endured isn't for the faint of heart or for people who only want to remember being "important".

We hear an awful lot about people who claim to have been "Alexander the Great" or "Cleopatra" in a past life, but seldom do we hear from those who were indentured servants or lowly fishermen.

Trust me, you were important to someone, but most likely lost in the mists of time and memory. No one remembers — or wants to think of themselves as — being thrown into a pile of bodies after dying from a plague. Or being the person who flung the bodies into a huge pit before perishing from the same illness. Or picking lice out of their hair. Or starving through winter. Or slaying an enemy. Or beating up a family member for the last scrap of bread, perhaps even poisoning them because they got in your way.


Want to recall sitting in the bottom of a ship with the piss and poo of a hundred other people as you crossed an ocean in the 1700s? Nah. Probably not.

Very few of us lived perfect lifetimes where we did not murder, pillage, or burn a village.

So why are you still here? And why is consciousness so important to you? Because you grew.

In thought. In spirit. In character. Your very soul gave up so much to be here, because you thought you had what it took to eventually conquer the barbaric wickedness thriving on this planet.

You learned about compassion.

And it was not an easy lesson!


We carry our past lives with us — along with the trauma we might have endured — and they often inform how we live out lives in the current time.

Have you ever had the experience of always doing something a certain way, even though nobody taught you how to do that thing... but your activity feels incredibly familiar, nonetheless?

Chances are your responding to this life with a hidden fragment of an old life.

Of course, not everyone believes such a thing is possible.

I'll tell you more about past lives and how they affect us today in my workshop during the Solstice Celebration weekend webinar for Spiritual Growth Journeys, on June 20/21, 2025.

Thanks for visiting, and Bright Blessings to all!

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Since October 2001, the mission of the White Light Express has been to offer healing and transformation through focused positive intention, meditation and prayer. Right Thought is the first step toward Right Action and consciousness. We believe that “holding the vibration” is a profound task and our divine destiny.

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