Bad Things DO Happen to Good People...

This morning I got a letter from a client who is facing a tough time, and they asked me "Why do bad things happen to good people?"

Yeah. Indeed. Why?


I thought about it... their situation is definitely a bit rough, but this is what I said: for why bad things happen to good people, that's like asking God why evil exists.

I'm not being sarcastic, because the truth is simple. We must continue being good, regardless of the evil that is "out there".

I've tried, a long time ago, to be that nasty, vindictive and angry person.

While I wasn't "evil" or "wicked" in the true sense, I did attempt to become more selfish and self-centered.

For all the good (no pun intended) it did me.


I was aware of what I was doing in a way that truly stupidly selfish people are not, and I was miserable.

At least when I snapped out of it, (this was in my early 20's ... nearly 40 years ago) I was less miserable and knew without a doubt that I am responsible, no matter what.

Like Gary Zukav says, our nonphysical teachers and guides are here for assistance only. They will not do any of the work for us, it's not possible for them. We need to give our guides and Teachers permission to come closer.

Sometimes good people suffer simply because they lack the knowledge and the ability to stay away from toxic situations and people.


Several years ago, I received a small inheritance from a deceased family member. It wasn't much, but it was more money that I'd ever had at one time in my life. I was busy thinking of all the things I could do. I needed a better vehicle and I seriously wanted to take a trip somewhere.

But instead, I was hit with an overdue tax bill from many years prior and my water heater broke. Then, I got into an accident, and my entire summer was ruined.

I complained about it to a friend... who was shocked that I couldn't see that instead of being unhappy, I should be happy that I had enough money to take time off of work to heal, replace my water heater and pay the late tax bill.

I think of that often. And yeah, I am still a bit ticked off about that tax bill, because I'd been working for a friend in their cafe who paid me in cash while my kids were in school. They had decided to finally sell their business, but they had to show prior good business practices, and I fell into that hole of paying taxes on an income that basically helped me as a single mom with three kids in high school.


The bottom line is that while it's okay for me to be upset, it's also okay for them to thrive, as well.

In the end, everything was handled, and it's just simply a fact of life. Sh*t happens. I can't change anything, but I can learn from it.

Why do bad things happen to good people?

Because we are here to fight evil, to show Satan he's not the ruler of Heaven and his time is short. Our time is eternal.

With God.

Yeshua never said it would be easy, but he did say it would be worth it.

Thanks for visiting our blog, and Bright Blessings to all!

(An abbreviated version of this post also appeared on our Facebook page)

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Since October 2001, the mission of the White Light Express has been to offer healing and transformation through focused positive intention, meditation and prayer. Right Thought is the first step toward Right Action and consciousness. We believe that “holding the vibration” is a profound task and our divine destiny.

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