Morning fog - Freehand Painting


I hope everyone is doing well and happy holidays!


It has been raining everyday, but today the rain went on even longer, from the middle of the night, then stopping, then in the early morning, then again in the afternoon. I love the rain and the dark sky it brings with it. But as the rain went on for the whole day, I found myself a little bit scared. I went outside when the day turned into night and I didn’t know if it was because of the rain or because the changing of time. I guess not knowing or the fear of unknown always brings out fear in humans I guess, even though I love the rain so much. In my heart, everytime it rains, it’s like a smile from the divine creator like it’s a sign to cheer me up and as if they were telling me, “You’re doing great! Keep going!”

Haha, and as I am writing this, it started to rain again. So I guess the divine wants me to post more often and keep on being honest to myself.

Sometimes, more often than not, I forgot why I paint, create in the first place. If it’s not to bring in in customers, get ahead in my social media, build a following etc why should I paint this? But this painting is the first time in a long while, I don’t think of why, I just genuinely wanted to paint. Not to show off my skillls or the techniques I learned, but every decision and brush stroke is purely because “I want to do it” and not something I should do in order to create a great painting.

Honestly, it may not see much, the painting maybe too rough, too messy, too unrefined. But I enjoy making it. And I hope I will often enjoy the process of painting, of doing for the sake of the act itself and not because I expect anything to come out of it. Regardless, I hope you enjoy my painting in all it’s honest glory.

Have a great week! ^^
