RE: 7-11 Closing Near 450 Stores

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Hello hello!! it's a pleasure to be here, vote your post and say it back some thoughts about it.

First, thanks to expose this case and start and interesting economic conversation at Hive.

Something similar we lived in Venezuela with two supermarket and the evolution was wild indeed!

But let me talk about 7-11 case, obviously just what we think we aren't from USA and we don't use 7-11.

In many videos, 7-11 is the principal grocery store, but according with your words and many kinds off reviews they don't offer a good quality just a brand well growed.

Also the reduction of the smokers and drinkers affect that kind of the store where people just go for the trending or vicious things.

When it's about good food or good quality, people will seek another options, it's like McDonald's, why McDonald's are well growed? Because they offer trending, but when quality and healthy matter that definitely not the right option.

Well, in that sense, the evolution of our world is day a day more close to us.

Where we live two supermarket was in the memory of many citizens, today that place was rebuil with another brand satisfying the necessities and the new things for the people.

One of them was very similar to 7-11, today the place is the same but the branding and what they sell change the public the vision and the zone.

Can 7-11 update their business to keep alive or the market necessities and what people want remove them forever? That the challenge what they need to pass.

Thanks for this post to talk about what happened near to you, maybe near to others and know what happen in the world


Can 7-11 update their business to keep alive or the market necessities and what people want remove them forever?

I am not going to proclaim that the company is going out of business. In fact, the parent company of Circle K, another competitor, is trying to buy it.

So I think it will adjust over time.


Maybe, the facts are clear "innovation" not only about tech, maybe about the ideal buyer, products, services etc.

If they can even the problems solve that, don't doubt they will stay and if not, easy they need to sell.

Let se what happen, you're another post about will tell us
