Back on vacation to the river and travelling


Shady bamboo trees

traveling to tourist attractions on holidays is everyone's dream because not everyone has holidays, especially as workers work from Monday to Friday, Saturdays and Sundays are definitely holidays, so yesterday several people then how many more days will it be? I'm back hunting for objects. photography at one of the new tourist attractions on the river in our area, yes, it's only just started because it's the dry season so there are a lot of people bathing in the water, so I went with one of my friends and he invited me to hunt -paru so I also wanted to show this place which I think is good so I took him and won the train to this river area around the clock at my house 10 km and here it is really very crowded people can't avoid wanting to take photos of people but there are some that can be seen Also, even though it's been black for a long time or a silhouette from behind the sun which is starting to set, the light is really very nice to look at.

and also here the water is quite clear and also on the banks of the river there are very natural trees visible there which are erased by the wind which adds to the beauty of this river from what we can see can't believe it can't continue or can it be with so many there because When I went here it was a bit late so I managed to capture very few photos for your notes. Maybe another opportunity I will show you photos of the view on the river at this new tourist spot.

let's look at some photos below

The light of the sun in the sky is starting to set in the west, the colors are really very beautiful, as you can see in this photo

And also many people who play on the banks of the river bring their families to bathe here

Those are some photos from when I was on holiday some time ago, thank you for seeing them
