RE: Discord: Hive's Terrible Addiction

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I do not use Discord either only did it for a very short moment to receive some basic info plus a keyword. Kind of strange since it's possible to send me an email.

For about 1.5 weeks I suddenly receive discord messages but I will not install it again so it goes straight into my spam box.

Like you, I find it a chaotic mess, can work for a gamer but it shouldn't be the chat box of those on Hive and indeed I consider it a waste of time just like endless chatting on WhatsApp, FB and MSN. Why not write here and connect?

I guess I am old too and so I was 10 years ago if it comes to this.
So I ignore the invitations it never added anything to my life and it will not today. I know back then I felt uncomfortable and not welcome, always the same rule, decide and raise their voices.

Have a great delay, don't let this make you sad if this is Hive's way they do not stand for what the preach.

