
As soon as the weather permitted, the ship left. The men, outcasts all with fierce faces, stood impatiently on the deck. For those chosen, this was like a day out. Away from the island that was hidden from view by high rocks.

You all know the rules men!

Everyone was silent, impatiently waiting for the end of the captain's sermon.

Our ship will sail east. This time we do it differently and... only when I give the signal our flag will be raised!

The men saw one merchant ship after the next go out of sight but the attack signal was not given. As the days passed, the crew became moody and started to complain.

If it continues like this, it will be a boring trip, the cook grumbled as he threw a pan on the stove.

The cookmate thought it best to keep quiet because the pirate behind the stove had already cut off one of his ears out of anger which he'd used for the soup.

Ask when the captain wants his dinner and find out what I want to know. When will a ship be boarded or will we go ashore?

A ladle flew through the air and narrowly missed the cookmate who fled from the galley.

The captain stood bent over an old map. He carefully studied the paper he had found long ago in a book that he had inherited from his predecessor. They would arrive at the destination tomorrow around noon. If everything went as planned, he would be huge and immortal within 20 hours. He grinned.

The door was thrown open after a short knock.

Captain, it's time for dinner. Let me set up the table.

I don't need food. Bring me a bottle of rum and extra candles. I have something to celebrate. It's going to be a long night, he said to himself. My last one.

While the cookmate lightened the candles, he glanced at the map. All he saw was a large black spot and it seemed as if the captain was fixated on it. Although he had been through a lot and lived a rough life he was shocked by the nasty laugh. Silently without greeting he left the captain's cabin and fled back into the galley.


We are heading for a black hole, I saw it on the map.

The cook shrugged and ignored the mate who had collapsed pale in the corner. He didn't care as long as the captain had a goal in mind. He had no intention of being stuck on an errant ship again.

Before noon, a black hole emerged in the middle of the ocean. The pirate in the crab's nest rang the bell, after which all the pirates appeared on deck to watch the strange phenomenon.

Tonight the full moon will shine on the hole and anyone who takes a seat with me will be invincible. Who's coming along?

None of the pirates were eager to comply with the request. The captain must have lost his mind, they whispered. Whoever jumped into the hole went straight to hell. That was common knowledge.

Well, cowards, I'll go alone! I will prove myself right.

A sloop was launched. The cookmate quickly added a jug of rum and a piece of sausage. Good luck, he murmured.

See you soon, said the captain, and thanks for the food and rum, but it won't need it.

The men at the rail saw their captain disappear into the hole.

After the meal, the pirates sat together with a cup of rum under the brightly moonlit sky.

We didn't earn anything, said one as he gulped the last rum down his throat.

Tomorrow we'll go home and catch a few ships on the way back, said a pirate with a red beard glad to be rid of the captain.

The group of men nodded enthusiastically while getting drunk. Their ship could sail without a captain, only the helmsman was valuable to them. When the sun rose on the horizon, the sails were hoisted and the pirate ship slowly turned around and although it had the wind in its sails, it just didn't seem to make any progress.

Where are you taking my ship to, a voice boomed.

A giant hand held the railing. The ship creaked terribly under the pressure of it. As if magically the water spread in two and there stood the owner of the hand, the captain who had become huge. With one jump he was on his ship that tilted dangerously. Frightened, the men grabbed hold of the railing and the mast.

Captain shouted the pirate in the crow's nest, please stand still or we all drown with your ship!

The pirate's voice sounded like the buzzing of a mosquito in the captain's ear, but what he did hear was the creak of his beloved ship. Like a formidable figurehead, he stood on the prow.

The boarding of ships went without a hitch and the loot was greater than ever. Before the ship entered the harbour, all sailors had heard the news of the pirate captain. The sea itself had born the giant and the entire world was in awe of that.



Prompt: pirates


Interesting story but what happened to the captain while he was away from the ship that made him so big?


I assume only he knows and there was more than just a black spot on a map. He must have had the magic words..


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