BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge! || SUPER SNEAK Ruleset


Hi everyone, Welcome to my BATTLE MAGE SECRETS post. BATTLE MAGE SECRETS itself is a replacement for SHARE YOUR BATTLE CHALLENGE, where if SHARE YOUR BATTLE CHALLENGE takes 1 monster as its weekly theme while BATTLE MAGE SECRETS takes 1 Ruleset as its theme. And the theme for this week is...



"All melee units gain the Sneak ability."

SUPER SNEAK is one of the rulesets that give additional abilities to all monsters in the battle arena. The additional ability that is provided in the SUPER SNEAK ruleset is the SNEAK ability. SNEAK ability can only be used by Melee monsters because it is an ability specifically for Melee monsters. SNEAK ability will target monsters that are in the last position and are not protected by CAMOUFLAGE ability.

To deal with the SUPER SNEAK Ruleset, of course, requires Melee monsters that have abilities such as SHIELD which can be used to reduce the impact of damage. Or you can also use monsters that have the THORNS ability to deal 2 points of damage to opposing Melee monsters that successfully attack the owner of this ability.

An option other than the 2 abilities above is to use the RETALIATE ability but the probability of success of this ability is only 50%.

But suppose you are the type that attacks fully. In that case, it is recommended to use monsters that have abilities such as DOUBLE STRIKE which can attack twice, ARMORED STRIKE which can attack twice using Attack power and ARMOR, or PIERCING which can damage ARMOR as well as Health points if the amount of ARMOR is low.

If possible, you should avoid using monsters that have more than 4 points of Attack power because your opponent might anticipate it by using monsters that have the FORCEFIELD ability to fill the back position like I did in this battle.




In addition to SUPER SNEAK, the Rulesets in this battle are...


TARGET PRACTICE is one of the rulesets that gives additional abilities in the form of SNIPE to all monsters, especially Magic and Ranged monsters (as well as No-Attack monsters that receive Attack power from Magic or Ranged monsters that have the WEAPONS TRAINING ability). SNIPE is an ability that first targets Magic, Ranged, or No-Attack monsters that are not in the first position.


FIVE ALIVE is a ruleset that limits the number of units that can be used in a battle. As the name suggests, the FIVE ALIVE ruleset only allows us to use at most 5 units out of the supposed maximum limit of 6 units.


My Line-Up

- Give a reduction of 2 ARMOR to All Enemies

- Give an additional ability (DODGE ) to All Allies

Because it is in the SUPER SNEAK ruleset, I decided to use Astral Entity because it can grant additional DODGE abilities to all my monsters. DODGE ability is useful for increasing the possibility of being able to dodge attacks made by the opponent's Melee monsters.

In addition, Astral Entity can reduce the opponent's ARMOR by 2 ARMOR permanently and has the RESURRECT ability which can revive one of the monsters defeated by the opponent.
FLYING + SCAVENGER + BACKFIRE + HEADWINDSSince most of the opponent's Melee monsters will attack the target in the last position, I put Riftwing in the frontmost position. Although it is a No-Attack monster, Riftwing has a BACKFIRE ability that can deal damage if the attack from the opponent fails to hit it.
LIFE LEECH + POISON + DISPELI chose Venari Bonesmith because she has the POISON ability that can give a poison effect in one of her attacks. The poison effect will continue to deal 2 points of damage each round if not healed using the CLEANSE ability.

Venari Bonesmith also has the LIFE LEECH ability which will give her an additional Max Health point if she successfully deals damage to her target.
THORNS + HEAL + SLOWBecause it has the THORNS ability, Cursed Windeku is one of the monsters I brought in this battle to deal damage to the opponent when they attack it. Cursed Windeku also has the HEAL ability which can heal itself from the attacks of the opponent's monsters as well as SLOW which slows down the SPEED of all opponent's monsters by 1 point.
FLYING + THORNS + RETURN FIREIn addition to Cursed Windeku, I also brought Ever-Hungry Skull which both have the THORNS ability. Ever-Hungry Skull also has the FLYING ability which, when combined with the DODGE ability he received from Astral Entity, the possibility of being able to avoid the opponent's Melee monsters' attacks will be even greater.
TAUNT + FORCEFIELDNight Ghoul is my mainstay in this formation. It has the FORCEFIELD ability that can reduce the damage to 1 point if it gets attacked by an opponent's Melee monster that has more than 4 points of Attack power.

In addition, Night Ghoul also has the TAUNT ability that can attract the attention of all monsters to target their attacks to him, so that Venari Bonesmith will not be the target of Magic or Ranged monsters that have the SNIPE ability.




The opponent uses Kelya Frendul which gives an additional 1 SPEED and ARMOR but the additional ARMOR is removed by Astral Entity which gives a reduction of 2 ARMOR. The opponent is more favored in terms of speed because he added 2 monsters that have SLOW ability in addition to the additional 1 SPEED from Kelya Frendul. Unlike me who only relied on Cursed Windeku to reduce the opponent's SPEED by 1 point.


In the first round, all of the opponent's Melee monsters attacked Night Ghoul. But only Deeplurker and Coastal Sentry were affected by the FORCEFIELD ability so the damage they dealt was only 1 point despite having high Attack power. Also one of the attacks from Coastal Sentry failed to hit Night Ghoul.

Venari Bonesmith attacked Baakjira even though it was not optimal because of the VOID ability that Baakjira had. Because Venator Kinjo has the CAMOUFLAGE ability, all of my Melee monsters target their attacks at Coastal Sentry. But only the attack from Cursed Windeku failed to hit it.


In the second round, one of Coastal Sentry's attacks as well as an attack from Deeplurker failed to hit Night Ghoul. The Venari Bonesmith attacked Baakjira again and now also gave her a poison effect.

The Coastal Sentry was defeated by attacks from the Ever-Hungry Skull and Cursed Windeku. Meanwhile, Night Ghoul targeted its attacks at Deeplurker.


In the third round, Night Ghoul was defeated by Diemonshark but revived by Astral Entity. Deeplurker dealt damage to Night Ghoul, while Venator Kinjo failed to deal damage to it. Ever-Hungry Skull and Cursed Windeku managed to defeat Deeplurker.


In the fourth round, only the attacks from Diemonshark managed to hurt Night Ghoul, while Venator Kinjo failed to land his attacks on Night Ghoul.

Diemonshark was defeated by Ever-Hungry Skull, Cursed Windeku, and Night Ghoul. When receiving attacks from them, Diemonshark had time to counterattack despite taking damage as well from THORNS ability.


In the fifth round, it was Baakjira's turn to take hits from Ever-Hungry Skull, Cursed Windeku, Venari Bonesmith, and Night Ghoul.


In the last round, Venator Kinjo defeated Night Ghoul. But because Baakjira was also defeated by Venari Bonesmith, Venator Kinjo filled the first position and was defeated by Ever-Hungry Skull.

To see the entire battle, you can watch it at >> FULL BATTLE LINK
And this is the challenge link >> CHALLENGE LINK


Review of this battle

Luckily in this battle, my formation went quite well. The decision to use Night Ghoul is also very appropriate because the opponent uses several monsters with high Attack power so that the FORCEFIELD ability can be used well. Coupled with the DODGE ability of Astral Entity and the failure of Deeplurker to provide poison effects on several occasions made Night Ghoul last longer.

If I have to choose which monster to replace, then my answer is Venari Bonesmith. Because Venari Bonesmith only deals 1 point of damage to Baakjira and only gives it a poison effect. If it were replaced with Doctor Blight, then not only the poison effect might be given, but AFFLICTION which makes Baakjira unable to heal itself.


That was the post BATTLE MAGE SECRETS for this time. Thank you for visiting and taking the time to read. See you in the next post....

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