BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge! || STAMPEDE Ruleset


Hi everyone, Welcome to my BATTLE MAGE SECRETS post. BATTLE MAGE SECRETS itself is a replacement for SHARE YOUR BATTLE CHALLENGE, where if SHARE YOUR BATTLE CHALLENGE takes 1 monster as its weekly theme while BATTLE MAGE SECRETS takes 1 Ruleset as its theme. And the theme for this week is...



"Trample will retrigger infinitely as long as the trampling unit keeps killing other units."

STAMPEDE is one of the rulesets that gives an advantage to one of the abilities. The ability that benefits in the STAMPEDE ruleset is TRAMPLE . If usually TRAMPLE ability can only provide an additional one-time attack to the next monster if it defeats the previous target. With the STAMPEDE ruleset, the TRAMPLE ability can offer more than one attack if the next target can also be directly defeated (and the attack will continue until the next target he attacks does not lose in one attack).

To overcome the STAMPEDE ruleset is to not use monsters with low Health in large numbers and make sure one of the monsters has the SHIELD or FORCEFIELD ability to reduce attacks from opposing monsters (which most likely have high Attack power).




In addition to STAMPEDE, the Rulesets in this battle are...


TARGET PRACTICE is one of the rulesets that gives additional abilities in the form of SNIPE to all monsters in the battle arena (especially Ranged and Magic monsters). SNIPE is an ability that will target Magic / Ranged / No-Attack monsters that are not in the first position first. And if there are no Magic / Ranged / No-Attack monsters, they will attack the monster in the first position.


MANEUVERS is a ruleset that will give additional abilities in the form of REACH to all monsters in the battle arena. REACH is an ability that is specialized for Melee monsters so that they can attack even though they are in second place. Although Ranged and Magic monsters get the REACH ability, this ability does not change anything because Ranged and Magic monsters can still attack even though they are not in the first position.

My Line-Up

- Give a reduction of 1 SPEED to All Enemies

- Give a reduction of 1 ATTACK POWER to All Enemies Ranged monsters
I choose to use Quix the Devious because I want to reduce the SPEED of the opponent's monsters as well as reduce the Attack power of the opponent's Ranged monsters so that their attacks don't directly defeat my monsters.
FLYING + MAGIC REFLECT + DIVINE SHIELD + PHASEAlthough it is a No-Attack monster, Pelacor Conjurer is still my mainstay because it has DIVINE SHIELD which can negate the first attack from the opponent and has FLYING ability which increases the chance to avoid the attack of opponents who do not have similar abilities.

In addition, Pelacor Conjurer also has PHASE and MAGIC REFLECT which are specialized to deal with attacks from the opponent's Magic monster.
BLOODLUST + TRUE STRIKE + PIERCINGUtilizing the MANEUVERS ruleset, I put Jared Scar in the second position because he has poor defense stats (low ARMOR and Health points) despite having quite good Attack power and abilities.

By putting him in the second position, Jared Scar can attack using his Attack power and abilities without worrying about taking damage from the opposing monster's Melee attacks.
MARTYRThe most suitable monsters to sacrifice are of course monsters that have the MARTYR ability. And Venari Marksrat has it. With the MARTYR ability, Venari Marksrat can give additional stats points to the monsters around her when she is defeated by the opponent's monsters.
FLYING + VOID + PHASEThe next monster to be targeted in the TARGET PRACTICE ruleset after Venari Marksrat is defeated is Void Dragon. Even so, Void Dragon is equipped with the FLYING ability so that he can still dodge attacks from opposing monsters that do not have similar abilities as well as the PHASE and VOID abilities to overcome attacks from the opponent's Magic monster.

Void Dragon will also receive additional stats points when Venari Marksrat is defeated, so the possibility of avoiding the opponent's attack will be even greater.
FLYING + REPAIR + RESURRECT + IMMUNITY + SWIFTNESSAdelade Brightwing has the main task of reviving Venari Marksrat after he was defeated for the first time. That way, 2 monsters that are near Venari Marksrat will receive additional stat points twice.

In addition, Adelade Brightwing also has the SWIFTNESS ability which is useful for increasing the SPEED of all my monsters so that they get their turn to attack first.
DODGE + PHASE + BACKFIREI used Chaos Agent to deal with the Melee attacks of the opponent's monsters that have the SNEAK ability. With the DODGE and BACKFIRE abilities, it is expected that Chaos Agent can deal damage to the opponent's monster even though it is a No-Attack monster.





In the first round, Jared Scar attacked and wounded Pelacor Mercenary but he got a counterattack from him through his RETALIATE ability. Pelacor Mercenary healed himself and tried to attack Pelacor Conjurer but his attack was missed. Void Dragon and Adelade Brightwing successfully defeated the opponent's Venari Marksrat. However, it gave the opponent an advantage by increasing the stats points of Pelacor Mercenary and Queen Mycelia.

My Venari Marksrat attacked Queen Mycelia but she immediately retaliated and defeated it. Despite being revived, Venari Marksrat was defeated again by Djinn Biljka and that made Void Dragon and Jared Scar receive additional stats points twice.

Halaran Huntress attacked Pelacor Conjurer although it only hit his DIVINE SHIELD . Meanwhile, Doctor Blight failed to land his attack on Void Dragon.


In the second round, Void Dragon and Adelade Brightwing managed to defeat Queen Mycelia while Jared Scar attacked Pelacor Mercenary again. But this time the counterattack from Pelacor Mercenary through RETALIATE ability failed to hit him.

On the opposing side, Pelacor Mercenary and Halaran Huntress attacked Pelacor Conjurer. Meanwhile, Djinn Biljka and Doctor Blight failed to land their attacks on Void Dragon.


In the third round, Void Dragon and Jared Scar defeated Pelacor Mercenary. Although Pelacor Mercenary still managed to retaliate through the RETALIATE ability, but his attack only hit the ARMOR of Jared Scar. Halaran Huntress who was now filling the first position received an attack from Adelade Brightwing.

Halaran Huntress failed to land her attack on Pelacor Conjurer. The attacks from Djinn Biljka and Doctor Blight also failed to hit Void Dragon.


In the fourth round, Halaran Huntress was defeated by Void Dragon, while Djinn Biljka was defeated by Jared Scar. Doctor Blight was only defeated in the fifth round after receiving attacks from Void Dragon and Jared Scar.

To see the entire battle, you can watch it at >> FULL BATTLE LINK
And this is the challenge link >> CHALLENGE LINK


Review of this battle

Although in this battle there were no monsters that had the TRAMPLE ability so they couldn't utilize the benefits of the STAMPEDE ruleset, I was still lucky to win this battle.

If Pelacor Mercenary's counterattack manages to hit Jared Scar, it is likely that the opponent will win the battle. Because if you only rely on the attacks of Void Dragon and Adelade Brightwing, the possibility of defeating Pelacor Mercenary will take longer (about 2 or 3 rounds). That's because Pelacor Mercenary has a HEAL ability that can heal some of his Health points.

And if Pelacor Mercenary has not been defeated, then Pelacor Conjurer who fills the first position can be defeated and Void Dragon will fill the first position. Then Adelade Brightwing will become the target of attacks from the opponent's Magic monsters that can easily defeat it (unlike when Void Dragon becomes the target of their attacks).


That was the post BATTLE MAGE SECRETS for this time. Thank you for visiting and taking the time to read. See you in the next post....

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