Vodeni biciklisti 🚴🚴🚴Water cyclists


Večeras je trebalo da izadjem na piće sa prijateljima. U međuvremenu sam počela da crtam nov akvarel i...toliko sam se zanela da je otkucalo ponoć i shvatim da nisam ni otišla😁
Ovo je najbolji način da vam objasnim šta je akvarel...
Kad se zanesete, ne možete da pustite...🥰
Danas sam pustila mašti na volju. Maksimalno sam se igrala bojama i tako su nastala ova tri amigosa na biciklima..

I was supposed to go out for drinks with friends tonight. In the meantime, I started to draw a new watercolor and...I got so carried away that midnight struck and I realized that I hadn't even left😁
This is the best way to explain to you what watercolor is…
When you get carried away, you can't let go...🥰
Today I let my imagination run wild. I played with colors to the maximum and that's how these three amigos on bicycles were created..


Akvarel na početku uvek izgleda naivno, ali sačekajte...

Watercolor always seems naive at first, but wait...


U akvarelu je najlepše kad se boje ulivaju jedna u drugu...

In watercolor, the most beautiful thing is when the colors flow into each other...


Koristila sam vedre i vesele boje. Uostalom, takvo je i njihovo raspoloženje. Baš su slatki!

I used bright and happy colors. After all, such is their mood. They are so cute!


Nisam mogla da napravim više fotografija jer sam ovo brzo radila,ali mislim da je dovoljno da vam dočaram kako je nastala skica.
Hvala što me pratite i podržavate. Sutra se vraćam sa novim akvarelom☝️Pzdrav I laku noć.🖌️🥰🚴⭐✨

I couldn't take more photos because I was doing this quickly, but I think it's enough to show you how the sketch was created.
Thanks for following and supporting me. I'll be back tomorrow with a new watercolor☝️ Cheers and good night.🖌️🥰🚴⭐✨

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


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