Veritas in vino est ☝️🍷The truth is in the wine ☝️

U mom gradu uskoro počinje tradicionalni festival vina i groždja!
"Dani berbe groždja" su dani kada su svi na ulicama, kupuje se najbolje groždje i ispija vrhunsko vino. Pored glavnog povoda, program je ispunjen različitim dogadjajima kao što je gitarijada, izložbe, ručni radovi, zabava za najmlađe i drugo.
Moj doprinos kulturi ovog grada je učestvovanje u jednom umetničkom performansu sa grupom slikara.
Tema će proprati dogadjaja.
Pripremam se da naslikam vino i groždje. Danas sam vežbala...Evo i procesa:

The traditional wine and grape festival is about to start in my town!
"Grape harvest days" are the days when everyone is on the streets, buying the best grapes and drinking top quality wine. In addition to the main occasion, the program is filled with various events such as guitar games, exhibitions, handicrafts, entertainment for the youngest and more.
My contribution to the culture of this city is participating in an artistic performance with a group of painters.
The theme will accompany the event.
I am preparing to paint wine and grapes. I practiced today... Here is the process:


Počela sam crtanjem vinske čaše koju sam napunila vinom crvene boje sa blagim odsjajem na čaši...

I started by drawing a wine glass which I filled with red wine with a slight reflection on the glass...


Bilo je zabavno dočarati nijanse vina i odraz svetlosti i senke na staklu.

It was fun to capture the nuances of the wine and the reflection of light and shadow on the glass.


Gde je vino, tu je i groždje!
Zar ne?

Where there is wine, there are grapes!
Isn't it?


Predivne nijanse crvene, ljubičaste i plave. Krupna žena se naziru.

Beautiful shades of red, purple and blue. A large woman is looming.


Grančica na grožđu razbija monotoniju nijanse crvene.

A sprig of grapes breaks the monotony of the shade of red


Vino je u čaši, groždje pored vina. Počnite i saznajte istinu! 🥰🍷🍇

The wine is in the glass, the grapes are next to the wine. Get started and find out the truth! 🍷🍇

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!
