Šta vas pokreće? What drives you?


Učili su nas da ne budemo ljuti, inadzije, besni...
Ali moram reći da su meni takva stanja često pomogla da u tonućim stanjima izdržim i nastavim dalje da se borim.
Poenta je valjda da se poklope neke stvari u pravom trenutku, zato je generalizacija opasna.
Nema univerzalne istine, svako dela po svom osećaju.
Razmišljajući o ovome, krenula sam u šetnju. . .

They taught us not to be angry, angry, furious...
But I must say that such conditions often helped me to endure and continue to fight in sinking conditions.
I guess the point is that some things coincide at the right moment, that's why generalization is dangerous.
There is no universal truth, everyone acts according to their feelings.
Thinking about this, I went for a walk. . .



Zanimljivo mi je to što svi govore i nude neku istinu i svrhu života, ali svrha života je ona koju mu ti daš.

I find it interesting that everyone says and offers some truth and purpose of life, but the purpose of life is the one you give it.





Ono što je sigurno, to je da bez prirode ne možemo, ali priroda može bez čoveka. Evo, baš kao i ovim prvim visibabama i ovom prelepom lila-plavom cveću, potrebno je sunce, voda i vazduh. Život je vrlo jednostavan, mi ga komplikujemo.

What is certain is that we cannot do without nature, but nature can do without man. Here, just like these first visibabas and these beautiful lilac-blue flowers, they need sun, water and air. Life is very simple, we complicate it.




Vraćajući se kući, nisam prestala da razmišljam. Sigurna sam da sve što je prirodno, ne može biti pogrešno. Potrebno je da budemo čarobnjaci sopstvenog života i pustimo malo čarolije u svoj život. Pustite emocije da rade svoj posao, a vi iz njih izvucite ono najbolje. Da, budite čarobnjaci!

Returning home, I did not stop thinking. I am sure that everything that is natural cannot be wrong. We need to be the wizards of our own lives and let a little magic into our lives. Let the emotions do their work, and you get the best out of them. Yes, be wizards!

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!




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