Radost tišine/ The joy of silence
U strahu od tišine
bežimo u buku:
Koliko košta miris procvale lipe?
Koliko radost kada dete
stavi svoju - u tvoju ruku?
Koliko košta mir
letnjeg podneva
u ravnici
i tihi zuj insekata
i krik što se otme
usamljenoj ptici?
In fear of silence
let's run into the noise:
How much does the scent of a blooming linden cost?
How much joy when a child
put your - in your hand?
How much does peace cost?
summer noon
in the plain
and the soft hum of insects
and the cry of being kidnapped
lonely bird?
Koliko košta radost maslačka?
Koliko zaigrana cika dečaka?
Koliko tiho predenje mačka?
Tišina nam je Bogom dana
i samo se buka plaća...
How much does the joy of dandelion cost?
How many playful squeals of boys?
How quiet is a purring cat?
Silence is given to us by God
and only noise pays...
Kada odbacimo sve besplatno
jurimo za srećom
što novcem se ne vraća.
When we drop everything for free
we chase happiness
which cannot be returned with money.
Text source:
The song "Joy", Petar Šumarski
Opevao sam jednostavne stvari
i ni jedna se ne može kupiti...
Život je dar poput osmeha:
možeš ga pokloniti svakom,
ali ga ne možeš otkupiti...
I sang simple things
and not one can be bought...
Life is a gift like a smile:
you can give it to anyone,
but you can't buy it back...
Bila je ovo moja današnja priča kroz slike šetnje po planinama kroz poeziju koju sam danas otkrila i poželela da podelim sa vama.
Nadam se da ste uz ove predivne pejzaže prirode 🌱🌷 odmorili oči od možda teškog dana. . .
This was my today's story through pictures of a walk in the mountains through poetry that I discovered today and wanted to share with you.
I hope that with these beautiful landscapes of nature 🌱🌷 you rested your eyes from a possibly difficult day. . .
Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.
Greetings from Anka vregolana!