Jutarnja šetnja.🥰Morning walk


Lenjost je privlačna, ali samo kretanje stvara iskreni osećaj zadovoljstva. Otpratila sam ćerku ujutru rano u školu. Uglavnom se odmah vratim kući, doručkuje, uradim nešto korisno pa na posao. Danas to nije bio slučaj. Nakon što smo se pozdravile, iako je bilo hladno jutro -4 stepena, nešto me je vuklo ka brdima. Produžila sam u pravcu mojih brda koja me uvek osveže i daju snagu. Nisam odolela iako sam neispavan od obaveza. Kad nešto želite ne možete naći nijedan razlog protiv te želje.

Laziness is attractive, but movement itself creates a genuine sense of satisfaction. I took my daughter to school early in the morning. I usually come home immediately, have breakfast, do something useful and then go to work. That was not the case today. After we said goodbye, even though it was a cold morning -4 degrees, something pulled me towards the hills. I continued in the direction of my hills, which always refresh me and give me strength. I didn't resist even though I'm sleepless from my duties. When you want something, you cannot find any reason against that desire.




Penjala sam se sve više ostavljajući grad iza sebe koji je bio pokriven hladnim jutarnjim suncem.

I climbed higher and higher, leaving the city behind me, which was covered in the cold morning sun.


Popela sam se do prvog vidikovca gde me je dočekalo sunce i najavilo lep ali prohladan dan. Nasmešila sam mu se i poželela dobro jutro. Nije bilo skoro nikoga. Ljudi su još uvek bili u svojim toplim krevetima.

I climbed to the first viewpoint where the sun greeted me and heralded a beautiful but cool day. I smiled at him and said good morning. There was hardly anyone. People were still in their warm beds.



Ostala sam na Vidikovcu neko vreme. Sela sam na klupu zadovoljna što sam odlučila da dodjem. Umor skoro nisam ni osetila.
Predivne grane širokog krošnje bile su lep ukras tog jutra.

I stayed at Vidikovac for a while. I sat down on the bench, satisfied that I decided to come. I almost didn't feel tired.
The beautiful branches of the broad canopy were a beautiful decoration that morning.




Prazne klupe su čekale šetače ali sem mene još uvek nikoga nije bilo. Sebično sam se ušuškala izmedju njih zahvalna na prelepom jutru koje je polako nestajalo i pretvaralo se u podne. Ipak sam morala da krenem jer sam za dva sata već morala da budem na poslu. Krenula sam kući istim stepenicama. U povratku sam naišla na još neke ljubitelje brega kako žurili gore na brda da iskoriste vedro vreme. Stigla sam kući. Skuvala sam čaj da se zagreje uz lagane note salse koje su me naterale da plešem. . .🎶🎵


Empty benches were waiting for walkers, but there was still no one except me. Selfishly, I snuggled between them, grateful for the beautiful morning that was slowly disappearing and turning into noon. I still had to go because I had to be at work in two hours. I started home by the same stairs. On the way back, I came across some other mountain lovers hurrying up to the hills to take advantage of the clear weather. Im home. I made tea to warm it up with light notes of salsa that made me dance. . .🎶🎵

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!




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