Grad u oblacima/City in the clouds
Kišni dan. Ipak sam odlučila da krenem. Dobro sam se obukla. Počela sam da se penjem na planinu neznajući kako ću se provesti. Možda ću pokisnuti?
Želja za prirodom je bila jača.
Rainy day. Still, I decided to go. I dressed well. I started to climb the mountain not knowing how I was going to spend my time. Maybe I'll get wet?
The desire for nature was stronger.
Popela sam se do prvog vidikovca. Vidikovac sa koga se ovog puta jedva videlo bilo šta.
I climbed to the first viewpoint. A lookout from which you could barely see anything this time.
Sve je bilo pokriveno maglom. Bili su to niski oblaci. Zavukli su se u svaku rupu.
Pomalo je izgledalo jezivo ali ipak lepo...
Everything was covered in fog. They were low clouds. They crawled into every hole.
It looked a bit creepy but still beautiful...
Oblaci su se kretali, premeštali na drugu stranu, ali dolazili su drugi na njihovo mesto.
The clouds moved, moved to the other side, but others came in their place.
Posmatrala sam i divila se prirodi koja je uvek tu negde oko nas i podseća da učimo od nje. ..
I observed and admired nature, which is always around us and reminds us to learn from it. ..
Uči nas da se ne kačimo za misli. Uči nas da ih puštamo da prodju. Da ne zadržavamo u sebi mržnju, strah ili brigu...kao što putuju ovi oblaci...
It teaches us not to cling to thoughts. It teaches us to let them to pass. That we don't harbor hatred, fear or these clouds travel...
Dok sam posmatrala bele i moćne džinove isećala sam neko strahopoštovanje...Poštovanje prema prirodi pred kojom smo mali toliko nesavršeni u odnosu na nju...
While I was watching the white and powerful giants, I felt some awe...Respect for the nature in front of which we are small and so imperfect in relation to it...
Gusta magla je pokazala svoju moć. Ako nešto želi moramo joj se pokoriti. Posmatrala sam oblake i naučila lekciju o prolaznosti, samo promene su stalne...
Mislite o tome...
The thick fog showed its power. If she wants something, we must obey her. I watched the clouds and learned a lesson about transience, only change is constant...
Think about it...
Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.
Greetings from Anka vregolana!