Čarobni park i šarene kapljice vode/ A magical park and colorful drops of water
Danas odmaram od crtanja, ali ne brinite, spremam nešto novo. 😁
Danas sam iskoristila slobodno vreme i prijatnih 24 Stepana u oktobru da prošeta parkom koji je danas bio lepši nego inače. Danas sam se u njemu osećala kao Alisa u zemlji čuda...🍄🌿🐰
Evo i zašto...
I'm taking a break from drawing today, but don't worry, I'm preparing something new. 😁
Today I used my free time and the pleasant 24 Stepan in October to walk in the park, which today was more beautiful than usual. Today I felt like Alice in Wonderland in it...🍄🌿🐰
Here's why...
Kao što vidite prvo sam se prišunjala fontani. Na hiljade prozračnim kapljica, mešale su se sa suncem i pravile dugine boje. Zar to nije magija prirode? 🥰
As you can see, I sneaked up to the fountain first. Thousands of airy droplets mixed with the sun and made rainbow colors. Isn't that the magic of nature? 🥰
Kišna magla je bila kao madjioničarska zavesa koja je krila svu lepotu koju možete da zamislite...
The rain mist was like a magician's curtain that hid all the beauty you could imagine...
Nisam mogla dugo da se odvojim od nje ali me je cvrkut ptica odveo na drugu stranu parka ...
I could not separate myself from her for a long time, but the chirping of the birds took me to the other side of the park...
Muzički paviljon me je pozvao i šapnuo kako je on jako važan jer su se u njemu nekada održavali najlepši koncerti klasične muzike i ja sam mu verovala...
The Music Pavilion called me and whispered that it was very important because it used to host the most beautiful classical music concerts and I believed him...
Nisam mogla da shvatim zašto je dečije igralište prazno? Ljuljaške su stajale mirno kao vojnici, čekale decu koja nisu došla...
Nastavila sam svoju šetnju zamišljena ali radosnog srca što sam tu, a onda...
I couldn't understand why the children's playground was empty? The swings stood still like soldiers, waiting for the children who did not come...
I continued my walk thoughtfully but with a joyful heart to be here, and then...
Jedno srce me je iznenadilo! 💚
Da, pravo srce! Srce zbog koga je i moje srce počelo jače da lupa! Da li je to znak? Znak da ću se zaljubiti? Da ću najzad ostvariti neku važnu želju? Da će se desiti nešto lepo? Hej, pa zaista sam se osećala kao u nekom filmu ili knjizi...
Hvala ti Bože na ovom divnom danu i magiji koja se pojavila možda baš danas samo za mene...✨🌈
One heart surprised me! 💚
Yes, true heart! The heart that made my heart beat harder! Is that a sign? A sign that I'm going to fall in love? That I will finally realize some important wish? That something nice will happen? Hey, I really felt like I was in a movie or a book...
Thank you, God, for this wonderful day and the magic that appeared, maybe just for me today...✨🌈
Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.
Greetings from Anka vregolana!