
Dobro veče. Za danas sam vam pripremila jednu pozu razjarenog bika. Kad god pomenem razjarenog bika, setim se filma sa Robertom de Niro, ali neću sada o filmu već o biku.😉
Hajde da zajedno pogledamo kako sam ga nacrtala korak po korak ...

Good evening. For today I have prepared for you a pose of a raging bull. Whenever I mention a raging bull, I think of the movie with Robert De Niro, but I won't talk about the movie now, but about the bull.😉
Let's see together how I drew it step by step..



Zaista je teško crtati bez skice, posebno figure. Zato sam počela skicom. Sada ću obojiti ali samo plavom bojom, pa bi ovog bika mogli nazvati "Plavi bik".💙

It's really hard to draw without a sketch, especially a figure. That's why I started with a sketch. Now I will paint it, but only with blue color, so you could call this bull "Blue Bull".💙


Kada se slika jednom bojom, onda se samo dodaje manje ili više vode, i slika se nijansama...

When painting with one color, then just add more or less water, and paint with shades..


Plavi bik u noći stane,
telo njegovo sjajnim svetlom plane.
Njegove oči, poput mora, plave,
kroz tamu tihu, snažno grabe.

The blue bull stops in the night,
his body burns with a brilliant light.
His eyes, like the sea, blue,
through the silent darkness, they grab hard.


Njegove grive vetar nosi,
u ritmu svemira, ona se bori.

His mane is carried by the wind,
in the rhythm of space, she fights.


U srcu boja, nebo i zemlja,
plavi bik — moćan, besprizoran, nečujan...

In the heart of color, sky and earth,
blue bull — powerful, invisible, silent...

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


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