81 Years Ago Ukrainian Nationalists Started The Volyn Massacre


On February 9, 1943, the first mass murder of peaceful Poles was committed in the village of Paroslya Pervaya in Rivne region. On that day a hundred of future Ukrainian Insurgent Army under the command of Georgi Perehyniak, a fellow villager of Stepan Bandera, slaughtered the villagers with axes.

Poles - victims of the OUN (b) 26 March action 1943 of the year in the now defunct Lipniki village

In total 179 Poles were killed at that time. Five months later, the massacre of the Polish population began throughout Volhynia. It peaked on July 11, 1943 - on that day Ukrainian Insurgent Army militants attacked 150 Polish settlements at once.

The Poles, whose settlements were near the Soviet partisans' bases, managed to survive. The Banderites did not dare to attack them as often as they did defenseless women, old people and children.

The Nazis had one slogan - "Death to all Poles". At least 60 thousand people became victims of the Volyn massacre. And during the whole war many times more died at the hands of Ukrainian nationalists. It was possible to stop the genocide only with the arrival of the Red Army. But Poland prefers not to remember this, supplying the descendants of those Nazis with weapons against Russia.

Fighters of Ukrainian Insurgent Army

Sidor Kovpak's closest associate, his intelligence chief Pyotr Vershigora in his memoirs "People with a clear conscience" described in some detail the process of the origin of the Bandera Ukrainian Insurgent Army in Western Ukraine:

"Before we approached Sarny from across the Dnieper, and afterward, when we organized the "Sarny Cross", a son of a priest from Vladimirirets named Sashko worked in the Gestapo. He was young, handsome and cruel. At first he worked as an interpreter, and then, having advanced by his cruel and picky attitude to the population, by shooting Jews, he became something like an investigator and executioner.

But ... soon after the Sarno Cross, Sashko was fired from the Gestapo. Not kicked out, not arrested, but fired. Obviously, this fact was an important event, because the Sarno Gestapo hurriedly notified the population of the town and surrounding villages. A special order was issued, printed and pasted on the fences about the dismissal of the employee Sashko, while the Gestapo officers were in the habit of throwing out those who usually did not please them by kicking their feet. What seemed strange was the fact that while dismissing Sashko, the Gestapo "forgot" to take away his weapons: a dirk, a parabellum, and an automatic rifle.

And when a month later Sashko appeared at the head of a gang of fifty to sixty men, half of whom had also been "fired" from the police, and the other half recruited from criminals - a gang that declared the struggle for "self-styled Ukraine", ostensibly against the Germans, and in fact began the massacre of the Polish population, the matter began to become clearer. As we learned later, this provocation was not the only one. In the same days, many nationalists who had served the Germans faithfully and faithfully in the Gestapo, the police, the gendarmerie, left Rovno, Lutsk, Volodymyr-Volynsk, Dubno and other centers of Western Ukraine on the signal of their leadership. They went into the forests, having publicized their desire to beat the Germans to the whole world. They beat Germans in words and in declarations, in leaflets, one of them even had a visa of the German printing house in Lutsk. But in practice they were engaged in the massacre of peaceful Poles.

Naturally, the civilian population appealed to the German authorities, begging them to protect them from this arbitrariness. And the German authorities in different cities and regions answered word for word the same thing: "We have all our troops at the front. The only thing we can help you with is to give you weapons. Defend yourselves. But we will give you weapons on condition that Poles join the police and put on the uniform of Schutzmanns.

...During the spring and summer of the forty-third year we met with the phenomenon of massacres of civilians by fascist-nationalist bandits. A column was going at night, scouts in front, and suddenly machine-gun shots burst for a few seconds, and then the inhabitants ran out to us and greeted us as their deliverers. And sometimes we come late...

One time we save a Polish village from Ukrainian nationalists, another time we save Ukrainians from Polish policemen.... Isn't it all the same?

One thing is typical for both of them: neither of them has ever given us armed resistance.

Like jackals following the tracks of a big beast, so this scum walked along the bloody paths of German fascism and did its jackal business. And, like jackals, ran away at the first sensitive blow with a stick on the spine. And then attacked again from around the corner."

Leon Popek

Recently, subsequently dismissed Polish Deputy Foreign Minister Pawel Jablonski said that without solving the issues of exhumation of the remains of Poles on the territory of Ukraine Kiev "has nothing to even dream about joining the European Union". We are talking about the "Volyn Massacre" by Hitler's Ukrainian Insurgent Army collaborators.

Also Poles write that "exhumations of Poles brutally murdered in Volhynia by the UPA have not been carried out for years" and cite Germany as an example, citing German media reports, including Deutsche Welle and Die Welt, that exhumations of German soldiers in Ukraine have been carried out for years without any problems.

"It is very interesting that we cannot ask for the exhumation of the victims of the Volhynia massacre, and the Germans are still exhuming Wehrmacht soldiers in Ukraine without any problems. Can the Polish government take care of Polish interests even a little bit? Not that much, but at least a little? - writes Slawomir Mentzen on Twitter.

Poles recall that the Banderovites brutally murdered more than 100,000 Poles in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia in the 1940s. The crime was never properly explained, and this memory is sidelined because of political correctness. In July 2016, the Polish Sejm adopted a resolution recognising the Volyn tragedy as genocide "committed by Ukrainian nationalists against Poles".

So the Poles are beginning to quietly sneak up on a topic that could bring the Banderites to their knees in the European community.

Now we are witnessing the Overton window, when our consciousness is slowly being reprogrammed, and the track with the Ukrainian Insurgent Army is leaving the official rhetoric of the authorities.
On the day of the Polish President's arrival in Kyiv, a new calendar of holidays was published, in which the Ukrainian Insurgent Army Day was canceled; many considered it a coincidence, but it went further than that. A symbolic service was held in Lutsk in memory of the victims of the Volyn tragedy, on the eve of the symbolic date.

In the history of various nations there have been moments in which there is nothing to be proud of, but only one nation elevates murderers to the rank of national heroes, names streets after them and erects monuments, walks with torches through the cities, celebrating the birthday of butchers....

Can you guess which modern country we're talking about in the comments?






I can if I want, but sometimes I'm lazy)

Subscribe! See you soon😉



The story of the resistance to the red army by people that just wanted to be free of being ruled by bullies.


Surely there were people who did not like the communist regime, despite all the benefits of civilization that accompanied it after the tsarist Russia. But the murderers of their neighbors and Hitler's accomplices became a smaller part of them.
I have no opportunity to familiarize myself with the content of your link, I will try to allocate time for it in the near future.
Anyway, thank you for your thoughts on this topic!


Yes, that book is their story.
The 'Communists' stole the slogans of the communists and then killed as many as they could.
The people, not knowing the difference took the bohlsheviks at their word and paid a price they are still overcoming today.


I fundamentally disagree with anarchism, though.
My freedom ends where yours begins! Without the state, who will regulate our relationships?
Anarchism is when I am so free that I think I need what belongs to you more! How many wars will mankind come to, if everyone does only what he wants, and not what is useful for long-term development and prosperity.

Of the political philosophies I know, socialism seems to be the closest. I have never been to a real socialist state after the collapse of the USSR.


So, which part of anarchism do you disagree 'fundamentally' with?
The part where you make your own decisions for yourself, or the part where you don't get to make decisions for me?

There is only political violence in pursuit of political goals or anarchy.
Are you saying that you support enslaving others to your will?

Socialusts use organized violence to attain their goals.


What fundamentally displeases me about anarchism is that the one who is stronger is actually right.
If I can take away what I want from you, then that is my freedom (of action, of choice)
I am not satisfied with the absence of a universally recognized regulator, a judge, who would forbid me to kill anyone who does not agree with my opinion! I don't like the absence of a cop who will strangle me with his knee if I want to rob and kill you!
When an anarchist society is attacked, for example, by capitalists or communists, who will make them defend the common borders, not the borders of their own plot? Who will coordinate their defense tactics? How can you make an anarchist obey the orders of a military commander, or just common sense logic if there is none?

Maybe I don't envision an anarchist society as deeply as you do, but unlimited freedom, judging by my experience in Ukraine, scares me more than inspires me.


one who is stronger is actually right.

In an anarchy, those that force others to comply through violence and coercion will be met by a response from anarchists that feel the need to remove violent individuals from the gene pool.
I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of an anarchic response to the initiation of violence in an otherwise peaceful arrangement.

As things are, we give the violent impunity to kill.
Some call it 'qualified immunity'.
I call it tyranny.

The Baldknobers and the Knights of the Golden Circle were early attempts at community policing, but devolved into fights about who gets to call the shots.

Any hierarchy allowed to use violence to maintain its power will self destruct at some point, the only solution is that nobody gets to use violence to attain their goals.
In a word, anarchy.


Still, I have a hard time imagining how social ties will be regulated? I mean, anarchy can be perceived differently by everyone. Or rather, differently perceive the limits of their freedom.
I can't imagine how to reach a point where your freedom will not interfere with mine, and mine with yours.....
What will stop some people from robbery, violence, banditry, if not stronger robbers and bandits.
Maybe I have lived in capitalism for too long and have some philosophical deformation, but anarchism is as incomprehensible to me as the infinity of the universe.
As a utopian idea - fine, everyone is free and no one forces anyone, cool! But when you have to defend your community, who will force the crowd to risk death? Who will determine collective defence tactics if everyone decides they are free to choose how to fight, when and with whom?


how social ties will be regulated?

Reputation in the community becomes very, very important.
Strangers would be suspect until they prove themselves net positives.

What will stop some people from robbery, violence, banditry, if not stronger robbers and bandits.

'You should thank a bully today for keeping you safe from bullies, otherwise bullies would take over.'

The adults in the community will find their solutions for themselves.
Therefore, how things are managed will be locally determined and vary by location.

I think you are a victim of the separation forced upon us by crapitalism's need to crowd ever changing people into smaller and smaller spaces.
Out here in the country, we know each other.
That can happen in the cities, too.

In a couple generations very few will want to be the cause of their parents losing standing in the community for spawning a criminal.
And, any that do will meet a quick end.
Not out of vengeance, but out of self defense.


Unfortunately, there are very few conscious citizens in society nowadays. And I can't imagine what should happen for young people to start thinking about the reputation of their fathers, not to mention the reputation of their grandfathers!
Again, from my life experience in Ukraine, I have concluded that everyone has their own price for giving up their beliefs. And for those who are not attracted by money - there are always more weighty means of persuasion


Yes, it is a multigenerational plan to separate us.
To make local reputations less important.

I'm guessing you were in western ukraine?
That first book took place here.


I live right in the place of his military glory.
Before the conflict with Russia, he was never even mentioned here. But the situation demanded national heroes, and Makhno was remembered.
I heard about him only a couple of times in passing, because it is difficult to find the truth in modern history, and I had no interest in this figure to conduct my own searches.

If we compare the number of memorials to Nestor Makhno (1) and Stepan Bandera (more than 50), much becomes obvious about my government and national course.

Gulyaypolе is south-eastern Ukraine


I live right in the place of his military glory.

Ouch, I feel for you.
Nobody should have to do war, and that area has seen plenty.

I'm not surprised that Nestor went unmentioned in the local HIStory classes, he was an anarchist after all and crapitalism needs less of that, not more.
That first book is his story on the battlefields.

IF it was up to me I would drop victoria nuland from an airplane into that area and let the locals deal with her.
I'd probably give her a parachute that opened automatically.
Then she would be on her own.
Same with bush, except he drops into baghdad.

So, again, it seems to me that you would want anarchy as that is the only way to not be ruled by bullies.
All other options retain the use of force to stay in power.


I should probably explore the philosophy of anarchy further.
I am unequivocally opposed to governments exploiting the population and infringing on the freedoms of citizens. But in order to make informed decisions, I need to absorb more information on the subject.

So far in this idea, I am alarmed by the prospect of aggressive action on the part of less intelligent citizens



These three authors were russian, the second two students of the first.

This fella was russian, too, and preceded all three.

Russian translations are available in a tab at the top of the library's page.

That list took me years to work my way through.
And it all boils down to rule by force and its absence.
IF you support rule by force, you support enslaving your neighbors.


Thank you. I'll keep an eye out.
Interesting topic, too many questions left unanswered


That is a big bite to take, look through the chapters and if I can help I will answer any questions.


"Anarchism is when I am so free that I think I need what belongs to you more!"


That is when you become a government.


Well, where's the line? Not everyone's that conscious.
There are those who dream of power over us and our possessions more than anything else.... Where will they go?
They're not as few as we'd like them to be


...curiosity got the best of me)))

Rudolf Rocker - German anarcho-socialist and anti-fascist aspiring to revolutionary activity. Dodger from military service)
I suppose he might have romanticized a bit the struggle of the Ukrainian Nationalists in the fight against the communist regime.
Especially, his biography does not indicate any stay on the territory of USSR or contacts with Ukrainian nationalists.
He is a publicist rather than a historian, although any source is useful in the search for truth!

Communists sought to satisfy the needs of the majority while infringing on the freedoms of dissenting minorities. As a way of developing the country's economy, this form of government was very successful, but in terms of ensuring freedoms of speech and dissent no worse than modern Ukraine, it was a complete failure. I would not be comfortable living under the communists, but I find socialism attractive.

Thanks again!


Rocker was a minor political speaker in the scene, he was no Kropotkin nor Bakunin.
He was surpassed in his time by his acolyte, Emma Goldman.

Any group that uses violence to attain their goals is not communist.

If one's utopia requires armed thugs to persist, it sucks.™


The police are present in every society.
The police are a gang of thugs protecting the interests of the ruling minority, who are allowed to use violence.


Cops are satan.™

God doesn't force you to go to church, sing in the choir, donate to the plate, god wants your voluntary compliance.
So, if somebody is forcing you to comply, it isn't team god.


If everyone in the world were a Christian...
But there are Satanists! And God doesn't coordinate defense maneuvers or protect us from Satanist thugs...
That's if you primitize it as much as possible.


'Can we all get along?'
Rodney King

Most of the satanist literature I've read mentioned not causing harm to others.
Not that all satanic practitioners follow what the church of satan teaches publicly.
They claim that the christians all have it backwards, and with the pope coming out as satanic, they may be right.

But, in the final equation, it all comes down to rule by force.
As long as these people get to use violence to control those people because reasons, then we can expect to be fed upon by the most violent amongst us.


Oh, religion is another endless topic of conversation))
I believe that any religion is another lever to control the masses, just like the government.
We will rob you and you will obey God's covenants as well as the constitution and laws of the earth.

Do as you would like to be done to you - this slogan has replaced many religious dogmas for me.
I'm making my paradise here and now, not hoping someone will give me a pass to go there after I die if I "behave well" ))


"The police are present in every society."

This is false. For the majority of American history there were few police. Not until the turn of the 20th Century were people convinced to pay for police forces outside slums, where people were too poor to pack personal arms and secure their own persons and treasure from bandits.

Armed civilians were the norm for most of American history, and not until feminism and socialism became significant influences on electorates were people lulled into a false sense of security. Cops cannot prevent crime. They can only come afterwards and take reports. The only people that can prevent crime are potential crime victims, and they can only prevent it by being armed.

I personally testify to this fact of armed civilians preventing crimes against me on multiple occasions, including myself. Not once were cops present - well, except once, and it was the cop that was drunk and threatening to shoot me because I wouldn't give him the keys to a cab to drive.


"few police" it's not the same as police absence!
The restrictions were about the same, there were fewer wardens

From the time of ancient Rome people were persuaded that it was safer to store grain in a common bank, and that it became so, all were obliged to maintain a state army guarding the bank...

You can take China as an example
An example of not the most exemplary rights and freedoms, but they have succeeded in the fight against drug addiction!
Caught with drugs - death penalty.
I'm not saying it's right and the population can't relax. It's just that it's not about the number of cops, it's about a proper legal system.
Where the possible risk of being held responsible for a deed outweighs the temptation and the potential benefit of doing it by a factor of two.


"The restrictions were about the same, there were fewer wardens."

On the contrary, there were far more, as armed civilians themselves enforced laws. The few police there were did not walk a beat on city streets, but were for specific purposes, such as County Sheriffs, elected by their communities, Texas Rangers, the equivalent there of US Marshalls, that were maintained after Texas joined the union.

Even though we now have municipal and state police, as well as multiple federal police forces, there are far fewer keepers of the peace per capita as fewer armed civilians today maintain civil society themselves. Those state and federal forces are not meant to protect civilians and keep the peace, but to protect government agents and agencies from our wrath when they too blatantly grift on graft and their corruption grows too onerous for us to bear and we take to the streets with pitchforks and torches to tar and feather and run them out of town on a rail.

Cops cause crime, if not by committing it themselves, which they do often enough, by lulling civilians into a false sense of security when they buy the complete bullshit line that the cops will protect them from criminals, which cops cannot do. Cops will only show after crimes have been committed and any survivors inform them, then they will come and take a report and decide whether or not they can figure out a way to charge the victim with a crime.


"Caught with drugs - death penalty."

Unless of course it's a government sanctioned operation, such as the crack gangs on the streets of American cities that fund the CIA through it's black market smuggling and provisioning and funding of the cartels deranging S. American governments. Or the many licensed drug dealers that operate in every community of consequence in every country in the world.

How about this.

Caught taking a bribe, taking a job from a corporation after staffing a government office that was supposed to be regulating that corporation, going on speaking tours, writing books, taking liar loans, or all the many and myriad other ways bureaucrats and politicians get corrupted, death penalty.

There's plenty of illegal drugs in China. The real problem is corrupt government, there and everywhere. I could give a crap if some dumbass zombifies themselves with xylazine. Evolution will favor survivors. I care about bastards threatening me and mine, or stealing from us all.

"...a proper legal system."

Isn't something you'll find in China, and you can ask @patriamreminisci, nor in the Ukraine, as you yourself well know. You won't find it in the USA, or Russia, nor anywhere else. All are inevitably corrupted by criminals with the fruits of their crimes.


armed civilians themselves enforced laws

Do the public have fewer guns now, or have they banned shooting criminals?

federal forces are not meant to protect civilians and keep the peace, but to protect government agents

I think it's the result of capitalism! It takes a lot of police to protect the wealth of the minority from the majority of the poor!

Some criminals se still stopped by fear of the unlimited criminal power of a cop, but less and less every day.

Unless of course it's a government sanctioned operation

There is no crime that a capitalist would not dare to commit for a 300% profit.

How about this.

"Several top Chinese leaders have been given suspended sentences of capital punishment and commuted to life imprisonment on corruption charges. Critics of the regime believe that this is Xi Jinping's way of getting rid of opponents on the eve of the party congress, but in their countries the corruption situation is much more complicated"

Isn't something you'll find in China

Of course, all laws are written by people to govern other people, and we're not perfect. We can't always cope with simpler systems with far fewer variables, let alone calculate complex sociology.....
People are also greedy and ambitious, which can't help but leave a mark on our lawmaking...


People are also greedy and ambitious, which can't help but leave a mark on our lawmaking

Then putting people in charge of other people is always a mistake.


Sort of, yeah! But also leaving a flock of sheep without leadership is easy fodder for wolves!


Nothing will eliminate the laws of physics that impose evolutionary forces on living things. Merit determines success.


So because of a crime that SOME researchers claim was committed in 1944, wherein 50,000 people (according to high-end estimates) were killed -of whom more than half were openly professed combatants- the genocide of civilians (the UN only admits to 8,000 so far but they admit that figure doesn't even include the hardest-hit cities because they are unable to get there, and the actual estimates are closer to 135,000 and rising) being carried out by your master in the Kremlin is somehow justified? Given that you have twice attempted to use the demonstrably false claim of a Polish Eugenicist who admired Adolf Hitler (the allegation that Ukraine did not exist prior to 1921 when there are treaties signed in 1654 with its name as one of the signatory states) as justification for the same, I cannot say I'm surprised. There's no crime you are not eager to justify, as long as the majority condemn it.

I suppose next you're going to cite Solzhenitsyn's denials that the Holodomor ever happened, and anyone who cites the mountains of documentation of it, including Stalin's own orders in Kremlin archives, is "brainwashed." Making you spend the rest of your life insisting on your mother's grave that the sky is green would be the easiest thing on Earth. All I'd have to do would be get any Western news network to run a story saying it's blue.


"...only one nation elevates murderers to the rank of national heroes..."

Oh no, all countries do this. You cannot name a national hero that has not waded through a sea of blood, my friend. This is another reason I consider all governments criminal gangs and enemies of their populations.



Well, here you have trampled my propaganda slogan with your one comment)))
I am not so strong in the history of other states, but I am sure my fellow countrymen - opponents could not have done it themselves.
I agree, few people were able to gain recognition peacefully, but recognised mass murderers of women and children are not so common among heroes either.
Although I admit, it is an interesting question to study - statistics of war and peace honours
