MSM (mainstream media) thinks youth is "creepy" because they wish to have a family and kids 🙈 Should become woke activists instead?
Habe einen gruseligen Artikel in den Mainstreammedien (MSM) gefunden, was heutzutage keine Schwierigkeit ist 😂
Haben die Jungen aufgegeben?
Laut Befragung von 30.000 unter 25-Jährigen wollen diese zurückgezogen leben und sich auf Auto, Haus, Ehe, Kinder konzentrieren. Es sollte uns gruseln
Quelle: Der Standard, aufgerufen am 2024-05-22
Der Artikel suggeriert anhand einer Umfrage unter 30,000 25-Jährigen, dass die Jungen "aufgegeben" hätten, da sie sich mehrheitlich ein Auto, Haus, Ehe und Kinder wünschen.
Mainstream-Medien finden das gruselig. Creepy.
Sollen junge Menschen stattdessen woke Aktivisten werden? Was versteht man unter "revolutionäre Weltrettung"? Gendern, auf die Straße kleben, Gemälde vandalisieren, sich bei jeder Kleinigkeit diskriminiert fühlen, aber nur wenn es in die eigene Agenda passt, oder einen Job nachgehen, eine Firma und Familie gründen und finanziell unabhängig werden? Was ist gruseliger?
Haben die Jungen aufgegeben?
Found a creepy article in the mainstream media (MSM) in Austria (Europe), which is no trouble these days 😂
Have the young given up?
According to a survey of 30,000 under 25 year olds, they want to live in seclusion and focus on car, house, marriage, kids. It should give us the creeps
Source: Der Standard, accessed on 2024-05-22
Based on a survey of 30,000 25-year-olds, the article suggests that young people have "given up" because the majority of them want a car, a house, marriage and kids.
Mainstream media thinks that's creepy. Bizarre.
Should young people become woke activists instead? What do they mean by "revolutionary saving the world"? To gender-ize the German language, sticking oneself to streets and vandalizing paintings, feeling discriminated against at every little thing, but only if it fits their agenda, or going after a job, starting a company and family and becoming financially independent? Which is more creepy?
Live your Secrets and Hive Prosper 🍯
xx Viki @vikisecrets
Should young people become woke activists instead?
I even think they are actually needed as young people
Nichts hassen Journalisten so sehr wie Normalität 😌
I don't see anything wrong with 25 year olds wanting to settle down and be responsible. It's not bizarre at all.
I don't understand what problem those young people have.
There is nothing creepy of wanting to have a family.
Mainstream Media are the ones who are really creepy.
Hahaha... What do they really want the young to do? Would they have preferred them rebellious and society's bane?
25 yo here! While i do like those things, i think the media are the ones putting it in a bad picture.
That's absurd. I would expect that from non-mainstream media.
Young people want softer lives and they don’t want any stress whatsoever…
Die Jugend von heute... tztztz 😂
We (The youngsters) want what our parents have, which is just not that easy to achieve with how the economy is currently.
Unglaublich. Das sind ja richtig schlimme Finger ;-)
Just like that we all here want that when we work hard we must get success and we can live a good and rich life.
!lolz 😂
Creepy? Maybe they want us start living with the "nothing is in this world" sermon
They have to start families and have jobs or businesses
They have to start families and have jobs or businesses
Jedes mal wenn wir denken die MSM können nicht noch mehr Schwachsinn verbreiten, kommt irgendwie ne Schippe obendrauf.
Die Welt versucht das gerade zu toppen 😂 MSM sind total durchgeknallt. Bald darf man dann nicht mehr Herr / Frau sagen.
Absolut irre!
What does the media want them to look like?
When we party, we make too much noise
When we drink, we're alcoholics
When we protest for climate, we're rebels and should go to school
When we just want a normal life, we have bad ideas
Life has gotten a lot harder with all the inflation and wages not going up. So it's just hard for them to accept reality and they realize that a lot of things such as homes is as easy as the past.
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.Es sollte uns eher von solchen "Journalisten" gruseln!
doh. WTH?? :(
"Based on a survey of 30,000 25-year-olds, the article suggests that young people have "given up" because the majority of them want a car, a house, marriage and kids."
A whole lot of young people are quite optimistic
Zum Glück liest niemand mehr diese Medien 😂
How did I miss this? The Standard is much too creepy. If you use the print version of it to line the bottom of your bird cage, you could be guilty of animal abuse!

I can't drive and I don't want to marry or have kids. I just want to focus on making art and growing my account here on Hive. Still I think that these are each person's personal choices and there is nothing creepy about wanting/ not wanting these things.