Accepting a bite of animal care and love is wonderful


Hello Everyone, Namaste 🙏☺️


How are you doing? I have always adored pet animals, especially dogs. I am always had a soft corner for small animal and birds. I think they are the cutest creatures. But never had the chance of owning one. Because taking care of pet is a great responsibility and i don't want to compromise it's care due to my not able to give proper care and time. But I will definitely have a pet in future when I am all settled and have a spacious house. Meanwhile i enjoy having chill with street dogs. I always always get a nice and caring responses from street dogs. They are the most adorable because they starve for love and care the most.

I don't like some people misbehaving and doing ill treatment with street dogs. Sometimes just for the sake of having fun and sometimes our of their own frustration. It's definitely not justified. Animals also deserve no less than kind and compassionate behaviour than we humans do. There is so much animal cruelty and neglecting in the case of stare dogs. I have always has special empathy for stare and street dogs. This is also being my able to spend a quite and exciting time with them. I always have habit of playing and adoring a dog when I see one nearby me. We don't need to adopt a pet just to experience their cuteness and love, we can experience the same with animals around us. The best thing about pets is that they give back more than the love they get. They are loyal and innocent.

I also find cats quite interesting. I have been able to pet a cat for a while as my current neighbour is having a cat. His name is Leo. He is very naughty. He always try to escape his house and roam around. He usually ends up roaming around in my balcony and then I play around him as well. Leo is very popular is our apartment, as he is always an outlaw. He is definitely the most wanted creature around us. I have also noticed nowadays people are more inclined towards having a cat as pet which is a great thing.


Animals teaches us in numerous ways. Having a pet can change our life completely because they require no less attention than upbringing a child. That's why I always suggest people to adopt a pet only when they are ready and have enough resources and time to parent it. Moreover these animals is usually hungry of our love and care. They can be our best friends and emotional support. Having a pet can really act as stress buster. Another interesting thing about animals is that we only resent and dislike them until we adopt one. I have seen many people who always hated the idea of having a pet and when they themselves had one, everything changed for them totally.

Animals have the same importance as any human being. They are part of the ecosystem and contribute to the society and ecosystem as well. We humans need to create a safe and protected environment for the survival of many species of animals. It's sad to see how many rare species have become lost and endangered lately. There is so much we need to do for welfare of animals. The start of this change can be as simple giving a bit of love and care to any animal you see around. we can live in harmony with animals and benefit each other in numerous ways. We just need to open our heart and home for them.

This post is in response to today's Inleo writing prompt. If you are looking for topics to write on, do checkout the post for March month monthly prompt here:

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I don’t really like pets that much, especially dogs. But I’ve grown to live with cats and I can say they’re very sweet animals.

Sometimes we as humans tend to learn one or two things from our pets without even realizing it.


Indeed if we try we can find company and reasons as well to make the relationship with animals a memorable experience. !PIZZA
