Financial Rules that Don't Fail
Being financially buoyant has some breath taking decisions accustomed to it that pays off and these breath taking decisions determines the fate of finances either directly or indirectly. Being financially free and maintaining it is one thing that most people don't understand or either understands but refuse to yield to what it means. This is so because there are more people that were once wealthy but after some time fell off and now living a low life proving that it is much easier to have money than to maintain having money and because of this, this article is coming to a us at such a time like this as to forewarn those that mismanage resources and prepare them for the future to come as far as finance is concern.
We live in a world that are governed by rights put in place by government parasterters and these laws talk more about social life, health and being a good citizen of a country but how is it that the same government didn't put in policies tied to finance that can help make a low life man have a bit of what these government officials enjoy, this already proving the fact that to do good and be responsible is firstly your business before it affects others. Being financially free has a lot of risks associated to it and these risks paves way for successes in life and career. Some of these rules are;
Save a Little Daily
Right from time, the subject matter of saving keeps making sense to those that engage in it. Saving a little everyday is so wise that you aren't gonna get stranded provided your routine is been kept and you save in a good and trusted platform. The gain of saving is that it saves you when it's time. Lets take for example, saving $5 everyday for a year. A year being around 356 days, so the maths being multiplying 5 by 365 days, its automatically $1825. So imagine accumulating this with little or no stress attached. This has already delivered you from a problem or an investment the equivalent amount could solve which probably you would have thought of how to solve it but saving little everyday did it for you at ease.
Spend Wisely
Yea to people that earn much more, the idea of spending isn't in their dictionary because they know the money is there and must always come, so they spend as much as they can today with high hopes of getting it back or much more the next day. But that is actually more like a timely bomb because peraventure the tomorrow all hopes are high to pay couldn't what will be the make of the provision needed for that day. Always spending because there is enough at the moment and buying things that isn't of consequential value is detrimental because it puts one in a high jump and some needs u attended to which might eventually lead to borrowing as the case might be.
Mind Your circle of Friends
It is often said that "Show me your friend and I will show you who you are". Most times the bad habit of managing money that one has came because friends that aren't supportive to the person's dream came. So it's of great Importance that the friends we keep are supportive to our dreams, aims and aspirations in life so that we don't end up living someone's life instead of ours.
Thanks for stopping by friends, do have a blessed day.
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