The Quest for a Better Nigeria: Addressing Key Challenges and Proposing Solutions
Everyone wants to live and raise their family in a system that operates under the canopy of human rights and democratic principles, such as the right to good governance, quality education, world-class infrastructure, a good health system, and much more that enhances the quality of life. Unfortunately, not all nations offer this to their citizens, and that's most likely why we see countless immigrants moving to countries that are first-world countries that possess these, and today I'll love to walk you through a thorough analysis of the situation of where I stay and the improvements that's required to enhance the quality of life of citizens.
To start with, it's worthy of noting that I'm a Nigerian and also reside in Nigeria, and just like basically what every Nigerian would say, I can categorically tell you that nothing seems to be working the way it should in this country, and if I had to point out what's required to make this part of the world better, I could go on and on, moving from one aspect to another as I spot areas that need improvement.
To start with, the government is one of the key changes I'll be talking about today as one thing that has failed this part of the world and required changes if at all any positive changes will befall this nation. I mean, being one of the highest producers of crude oil in the world, the nation of Nigeria ought to be among the first-world countries that flourishes and prospers in all spheres of life; unfortunately, the reverse is the case. In fact, to show how bad this is, despite producing crude oil for over 60 years, would you believe if I told you my country can't boast of a single working refinery to date?
How can a nation possess such resources and be unable to build a refinery? A nation like the UAE only has this crude oil as its natural resource, and via that, they've transformed their desert land into a dream destination for many around the world, while down here in Nigeria, we're swimming in poverty due to corruption and fund mismanagement by the clueless government. So if the nation wants to excel in other aspects, we must first change the face of the government completely. Unfortunately, I don't see any politicians in my country presently who really care for the people and the progress of the nation.
Also, I believe the nation should also delve into other natural resources we are blessed with. It's no news that Nigeria is one of the luckiest countries when it comes to the natural resources that lie in our land, but unfortunately most of these resources aren't really being utilized to change the face of the nation; instead, they focus all their attention on just crude oil. When could we diversify all of this to maximize our profits and international transactions that foster growth and development for the nation?
Another aspect of my country that I believe needs attention is the area of tourism. Nigeria is blessed with loads of natural beauties, from waterfalls to rain forests, deserts, mountains, and several other tourist attractions and destinations that would have helped us generate more, but most of this ain't managed at all, and it's a shame when other countries with limited tourist attractions maximize what they've got to the fullest.
Countries like Rwanda only have rainforests with animals, and they've developed and advertised this in such a way that it belongs to the country's highest means of income generated through the years. I believe if we take advantage of this in more towns here, it'll pave the way for more international recognition, and the country will become one of the leading tourist destinations over time.
Although, without leaving any stone unturned, if at all we want our nation to be a tourist attraction and destination for tourists, then the nation would first need to curb the insurgence and insecurity going on presently in our country, from kidnapping to other forms of insecurity that pose a threat to the safety of tourism, so I'm hoping the security gets better and that the nation becomes a safe haven for all.
And the last but not least, which is also one of the most important, I'll say, is the electricity. It's disheartening to have to deal with an unstable and poor power supply despite the wealth of the nation, yet you'll visit some places that haven't had electricity in over 6 months and the like. It's a shame, and I hope something is done to change the narrative soon so we'll have stable electricity.
This is my entry for #aprilinleo day 25 for the Inleo initiative. You can also join us by reading all the details in the announcement post.
Thanks so much for your time, have a wonderful day and stay bless.
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Vickoly for president come 2027. But on a more serious note I think our government are the major challenge we are having in this country, because this nation is blessed with natural resources already.
The challenges seem to keep increasing daily, we just hope this get back on track someday.
Lol, it's not only president you'll see.
That's just it, they're our main problem and for the nation to progress, then it's high time they start working or give way for those who'll.