Roles, Responsibilities, and Relevance of Education in Today's World || LPUD


Education is a continuous process and experience of enlightenment that last a lifetime. In essence, education is a continuous mode of teaching or learning about something and, in the process, acquiring knowledge. There are several mediums via which someone can educate that range from parents, school, and society, to mention but a few. Today I'll be talking extensively on education, its impacts, and many more.


It's worth noting that the importance of education can never be downplayed because it plays a huge role in getting us acceptance with everything we know till date, like we know there are formal and informal education, and not to forget that we can both acquire knowledge, intentional and unintentional, but still grab it because the statement was ulter to our hearing or you saw someone doing someone, and via that experience you've also known how such is done.

To start with, when we talk about whose responsibility it's to educate a child or an individual between the school, parents, and society, personally, I'll say it's a collective responsibility that must be done by all, and if paraventure there's a loophole amongst all, it will most likely jeopardize the turnout of such an individual, so everyone must play their part in molding and shaping individuals into the perfect model that's important for the growth of the world at large.

Parents should teach a child basic things, morals, and values, while such educate relationships to also teach morals and valuable information relating to what the child will come across in life and as well needed to thrive in their desired profession, and society also has a huge role to play in shaping, living, and settling a good example that's worthy of emulation because a bad influence from the society can go on to jeopardize the effort of other aspects.

Also, there has been a debate regarding the effectiveness of knowledge impacted on students by the school and if it's plays any significant role in the real world outside the school in students. I must say that the school is nothing but an impactful school, and knowledge pays off and plays a significant role in real life. Although many questions how mathematics world in our real world, what it does is that being able to solve such difficult questions in school helps improve our problem-solving skills and critical thinking that'll aid the decision-making of individuals in the outside world.


Asides mathematics, although subject also plays a significant role; for instance, I, as an ICT teacher, teach students about the computer and how to navigate technological devices and to as well get them acquitted with details about it, and these help brood their understanding of this tool and as well help them use this tool effectively and more efficiently in the real world than they would have had they not passed through the school.

So with that being said, I believe the doubt about relevance of school knowledge has not been sustained, although I must agree that some subjects need improvement and that as we innovate more, the school will also adopt this technological tool to aid teaching and help students get family with 21st century skills and much more that'll help them be relevant to themselves, their employers, and society at large.


Welcome to another time of the month where we power up Leo, which is an initiative by the Inleo team and hivebruzz, and it's focus on improving and increasing our stake in the Leo token on a monthly basis. I, for one, made a vow to participate in every single LPU held this year, and I'm glad to know I'm still in line with that.

I'm very pleased with the Inleo team and the innovative ideals they keep bringing in to enhance the face of hive, their interface, and the like, and one of their most recent additions of features just implemented that I'm thrive with is the onboarding to earn initiative, which literally indicates that onboarding can now be an avenue to a lifetime earning because according to the feature, you literally earn the more the person you onboard to hive via the Inleo interface makes an impact on the hive blockchain.

Screenshot from my wallet on

From earning from the moment the signup with your referrer, to earning from their activities, and as well getting a massive return each time they subscribe for Leo premium, and that's just a little from possible ways to earn via this, so I'll encourage you to give it a try as you plan on onboarding your friends to the hive blockchain going forward.

So today I've powered up 150 Leo tokens, and that means I now have a total of 2539 Leo tokens staked in my wallet. I aim to acquire more and power up more as time goes on, and maybe I'll become a Cub before the year 2024 runs out.

All photos are mine, except stated otherwise.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Everyone needs to play a role in educating students, especially the parents. There is a misconception. Many parents think that they admitted their child to school and giving private tutors for guidance is the end of their responsibility. It's not a right thought.

Congratulations on successfully powering up Leo.


Yea that's very true, parents as a huge role to play in the education of their children, regardless of the amount of effort the put in getting such kid educated via school and tutor.

Thanks so much for your thoughtful feedback, have a great day.
