Things we do for family.

We all have people we care about deeply, and sometimes we have to do whatever it takes to keep them safe. I remember a time when I went to great lengths to protect my younger sister Ekpere Amaka.

It was a sunny afternoon, and we had just come back from school and after doing our home work and resting, my sister and I went to play in the playground in the compound we lived. She was riding the swing, and I was keeping an eye on her, making sure she didn't go too fast or get injured. Suddenly, I saw a group of older kids approaching, and they didn't look friendly.

I could sense trouble brewing, so I quickly went over to my sister and told her we needed to leave. But before we could go, the older kids surrounded us, taunting and teasing Ekpere Amaka . They were much bigger and seemed like they wanted to cause trouble.

I knew I had to protect my sister, so I stood in front of her, trying to shield her from the bullies. I tried to reason with them, telling them to leave us alone, but they wouldn't listen. Things started to get heated, and I could feel my heart racing with fear.

At that point, I had to think fast. I remembered seeing a group of adults nearby, so I shouted for help as loud as I could. Thankfully, some people heard me and came to our rescue. They intervened, and the bullies backed off, realizing they were outnumbered.

After the confrontation, I sat down with my sister and explained to her why it's essential to stay away from people who want to cause harm. I reassured her that I would always be there to protect her, no matter what.

Despite the scary situation, I was relieved that I could keep my sister safe. It made me realize how far I would go to protect the people I love. And even though it was a frightening experience, it brought us closer together as siblings.

Looking back, I'm grateful that everything turned out okay. It taught me the importance of being vigilant and standing up for the ones we care about. And most importantly, it showed me the strength of our bond as a family. No matter what challenges we face, we'll always be there for each other, ready to protect and support one another through thick and thin.


Thank goodness there were adults around to come handle the situation, and it was really brave of you to keep your sister safe.

By the way, I would advise that you should edit your post and make your word count above 500, it is one of the requirements to participate in the contest.
