The Limitless Potential Of The Mind

The power of the mind is incredible. It is the most powerful tool we have, and it can shape our world in ways we sometimes don’t fully understand. The mind controls our thoughts, emotions, actions, and even our health. It can be used to push through challenges, find solutions to problems, and create amazing things. But just how far can we stretch our minds? Can we unlock all of its potential?

Now first let's say you were faced with a difficult challenge, or you were facing a personal problem, it felt hard and even impossible. But you kept trying and kept pushing till eventually you pushed through. This is the power of the mind. It kept you positive and made you not to give up even when you wanted to.

I remember when I was in school and was finding it difficult to understand those subjects that had calculations such as mathematics. I kept missing each classwork or homework and I was part of those people that said "yes we understand even when we don't". One day a teacher called me and advised me to think positively, instead of thinking I can't do it or I don't know it, I should say to myself 'I know it, I can do it' and that's what I started doing till I found the subject easy to understand.

What my teacher taught me then is what I use to teach my pupils and even my children. Don't say 'I can't do it or I don't know it', keep trying until you solve it or push through.

Before I left ondo state to oyo state, some of the children I taught were finding a topic in mathematics difficult, after explaining to them I told them to try and solve it on their own some were able to get the correct answers, while some weren't. Those that didn't get it said they don't know and they can't do it, and immediately they said that, I told them not to repeat such a statement again that instead of saying such, they should say they can do it and they should keep trying till they get it. And I was so happy when they went back and solved it and came and showed me the correct answers, they too were happy.

Our minds can also stretch beyond our personal experiences and make us reach for things we never thought possible. Let's take athletes for example, when they have a competition they simply picture themselves winning and not loosing and when they picture themselves winning, they end up winning. They believe that the mind can make the body stronger and faster. When an athlete pushes themselves past their limits, it’s not just their body doing the work; their mind is leading the way.

The power of the mind is limitless when we truly believe in it. It can help us overcome challenges, heal our bodies, perform at our best, and create things that have never been done before. The more we believe in the strength of our minds, the further we can stretch it. The mind is like a muscle – the more we use it, the stronger it becomes. So, how far can you stretch your mind? The answer is: as far as you believe it can go.

This entry was inspired by the #inleocommunity and response to day 10 of the #decemberinleo.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha
