My ideal meal choices


Greeting all and welcome to my blog. Today I'll be answering one of the questions dropped,and that is:
Let's imagine we live in a new world where every human can only have one particular food, fruit, and drink for the rest of their lives. What would your choice be? Tell us about the food, fruit, and drink you can have every day without getting tired of them.

Image is mine
Everyone has to eat food to have energy to carry out their day to day activities. I can't imagine myself eating and drinking one particular thing for life and personally I won't really say I have favorite food, drink or fruit but if I am to choose one of each, I will go for bitterleaf soup and swallow as my main meal, banana and groundnut as my fruit while taking Fanta as my drink.

Here is why I would choose these:
First, bitterleaf and swallow: bitterleaf is an African traditional dish that has a unique taste that's slightly bitter. Bitterleaf is packed with nutrients and has a distinctive flavor that I never get tired of. This soup can be taken with any swallow of your choice, eba, wheat, semo, fufu or pupuru, I take mine with eba or semo.
There was a certain time I cooked onugbu at home and when I sat down to eat it after cooking it, it reminded me if one weeding I attended,the soup was what the caterer served and it tasted the same.

Second, banana and groundnut: Bananas are sweet, creamy, and filling. They're perfect for a quick snack or to satisfy a sugar craving. Plus, they're packed with potassium and other nutrients. Groundnuts add a wonderful crunch and savory flavor. They're rich in protein and healthy fats. Both bananas and groundnuts are versatile, I can eat them separately or together, raw or cooked in various ways.

Image is a screenshot on my phone
Finally, Fanta as my drink. This is a bright orange soda gotten from orange extract. Fanta is more than just a beverage. It's a treat, a moment of joy in my day. The bright color alone is enough to lift my spirits. And let's be honest, sometimes you just need a little sparkle in your life.

Imagining myself eating just these for the rest of my life is actually limiting me from trying other foods but I can try and be comfortable eating those because there are some foods I rather stay hungry than eat at all.
The bitterleaf and swallow would provide a hearty, nutritious meal. The banana and groundnut combination offers both sweetness and protein. And the Fanta adds a fun, bubbly element to my day.

In this my imagination, I will try to cook the soup in different ways, or experiment with various ripeness levels of bananas. I might even try mixing my Fanta with mashed banana (I am guessing this will make me purge sha).

This might just be a thought experiment, it's also interesting to consider what foods truly matter most to us. These choices reflect not just taste preferences, but also cultural background, personal memories, and emotional connections to food. In the end, that's what makes eating and drinking not just about sustenance, but about joy and comfort too.


Eating one food forever will be quite a challenging thing to do but you have mentioned really good food here.

I actually eat bitter leaf soup a lot because it's medicinal, banana is awesome but I do prefer a natural drink over fanta.


It's also one thing I like about the soup, it's medicinal content.


I love bananas. Especially with groundnut. Ahh. It’s been long I had such a treat.


You should try it once in a while. Thanks for reading.


I used to hear about banana and groundnut but never really tried it, maybe it's high time I do some experiment.

Your choices of food are excellent, actually if we are to select a kind of food to live in for life, we need no be attracted to the sweetness but the contents and benefits as well. I am also a fan of bitter leaf soup


You should try it and you'll enjoy it. Thanks for stopping by.
